
Adding NEW player character textures possible?

Hi and thx in advance,
Maybe this has already been answered somewhere else but then i have been unable to find it.

I am working with WotLK 3.3.5 on an azerothcore btw.

OK what do i wanna do: make a new skin texture for bloodelf males
i succeeded in: 
     extracting a blp from mpq or casc
     edditing it in PS
     export the blp
     merge the plp back into an mpg
     replace an already existing texture
work with CharSections.dbc

What have i tried or found out
In  CharSections.dbc
are 0-18 textures defined for bloodelf males.

BloodElfMaleSkin00_00.blp to BloodElfMaleSkin00_09.blp with Flag 17 (Playable Race)
BloodElfMaleSkin00_10.blp to BloodElfMaleSkin00_12.blp with Flag 5 (Deathknight Skin)
BloodElfMaleSkin00_100.blp to BloodElfMaleSkin00_105.blp with Flag 8 (NPC)

I created new files for
TextureName_1 (Character\BloodElf\Male\BloodElfMaleSkin00_13.blp)
TextureName_2 (Character\BloodElf\Male\BloodElfMaleSkin00_13_Extra.blp)

Added a new entry to the dbc
Set the
RaceID to 10 (Bloodelf)
SexID to 0 (Male)
BaseSection to 0 (Skin)
TextureName_1 to Character\BloodElf\Male\BloodElfMaleSkin00_13.blp
TextureName_2 to Character\BloodElf\Male\BloodElfMaleSkin00_13_Extra.blp
TextureName_3 to nothing
Flags to 17 (Playable Race)
VariationIndex to 0
ColorIndex to 19

Saved the file CharSections.dbc

Added it to my Patch-9.mpq

Cleared the WOW cache:
Fired up the game.....

Nothing changed

Copied the dbc in the Server\dbc folder. 

No change.

inserted the image at colorIndex 10 ( img1), incrementing ALL following indexes AND filenames by 1 changed the names of the physical files as well

still nothing.....

i searched the database files for a fixed number of textures for characters.
did the same in the dbc's
searched the c++ code
opened m2 and skin files with 010  ( &

is this maybe hardcoded into the client?

any, really ANY help is appreciated!!!!

thx a lot

is it possible this is hardcoded into the gameclient?

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I dont think this would be hardcoded into the client, U seem to have covered most of the things i've thought it could be.

Maybe adding a new line to the dbc was incorrect, since u replace the texture (blp) , there is no need to add a new line defining the same replaced blp.
also skin or m2 files load the blp as mentioned above so i dont think it's need to adjust it in there if everything is the same as before.

Just keep the same name of the file ur adjusting and use the same dbc line, in theory that should work.
Also when converting, I prefer to use BLPConverter and use the FBLP_PAL_A8 output. Other options sometimes give problems.

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