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Terra-RP. The story full of drama, sweat and awkwardness.

This story started in 2010, when guild of old hardcore roleplayers found themselves in harsh condition caused by Blizzard official lore(we played Scarlet Crusade) and trollcoaster of Russian roleplay community. Me, EsiOmsk, Hector_Adamantis, Mitrail, Harm, Feugo and other guys created a plan to develop an alternative and innovate WoW RP Server, based on self-made expansion. At the end of 2011 we did many. Maps, DBC, Core, content etc edits included. Then we cooperated with now dead Chronicles of Azeroth project by SirFranc and achieved even more combined. Me was an admin, lore narrative author and team leader, but not a developer myself, so working process always was on state of gunpowder barrel. Project had stopped few times, before in 2012 Terra-RP Open Beta Test was launched. There I should say, that actual team of developers was just a tiny, had no moneys and resources and everything  was received via overcoming. Like in WH40K. Player base we got, was happy, in 2012 there was never been something similar to that we had. New races+LORE(new)+maps+DBC+script+new race patch etc. But then main developer EsiOmsk had gone for a long time(as I remember, sorry Esi if I'm wrong), and development and bugfixing was stopped. Me had no resources to pay for VPS(it was expensive back than), I found a new guy, Antony_at_War - who just stole my project, and kicked my out of team. For a good cause, his partners was a good guys so they get me backup and leave out of business for own reasons. OBT was closed. Some parts of our work had been leaked, and projects like CHRONICLES OF TERRA AZEROTH GANGSTA EDITION were launched. And stopped. because they had bugs. which could not  have been fixed by their skills. Since 2013  project got downfall and development hell, Esi had returned but would be an admin now too, so he decide to redone parts of project he don't like. Some time later I got out of the team, because of IRL(I got wiffu). But in 2016 i returned to RP and found that many of players still waiting for terra-rp. I contacted EsiOsmk and we planned re-launch it, somewhere around 2018. Many had been done again, now with a backporting content from next of 3.3.5a expansions.  Whole re-lauch campaign had support(financially) from a strange bunch of guys, which was put in power by Esi. So, LORE was changed(wow here be dragons) by them, and content plan got unattainable(as I see), and lorewise terra an strange project. But anyway, I still believe(even now) that if I promised to 200+ people, who still waiting for project release - I must do it. Even though me an 32yr old divorced internet dweller.

Esi did many, redone like a tons of content to squeeze into modern standards of quality, it was 2018. And then his HDD just burned out. Boo. il_340x270.1838194802_9b9o.jpg

Sane people would just an STOP development there. So we continue, Esi found some partial, broken backups of content patch from 2016-2017(not sure about date), I found some files I had and we proceed. In a year of 2019 terra still had a unique content, but now there are many custom servers which are better and already available. We started backporting things from Legion/BFA then, lost any real direction and had no EMU CORE at this moment. As me being admin, team asked to find a good core, I searched my contacts and heya found Sheldon(the guy you should know, by his redone of Lordaeron). We got his old project modified core for 65$. But there was one nuance. IT DIDN'T WORKED, not even compile on modern systems. So 100$ more was given to friends of mine(former terra-rp developers). But Sheldon immediately said about it, before deal. It was my bad. We had no core, team was demotivated. Repack he trade, had many unique content(as patch), LUA scripts, new systems etc. But it was trinitycore, and we had Mangos just before... Ok, insane people should have been stopped there by orderlies.

Idiocy and courage! We(by Esi) started to rewrite DBC to be compatible with a new core. And also port HD-models from future patches even more(so visual disbalance intensified in current version). At autumn we had somehow working alpha of our project(alpha, after ten years). Got rent VPS, launched forum test, returned our domain name, clean our wiki from spam and start testing. Team we were absolutely against me, and denied my ideas. So they leave. Esi got 34, he is still a hardcore wow fan and developer, but now he have a family, job, credits and probably even real life fun. I tried to find a more developers to revive the project, but prices was unreal or developer skills was low.

So I thinking about the situation. And got only single one idea that somehow fits into the original concept. Convert everything UNIQUE we have to 7.3.5 Legion...


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As for March of 2021 we have:

10 gb of unique content, client patch.

Core with author patches(by Sheldon), gibberish sources included.

Website prototype/forum(sorry for blob you see)

WIKI with 100+ more articles.(in Russian)

Vkontakte group(you can see there some screenshots, but not many)

200+ of STILL waiting fans

VPS payed to 2022

Some database edits, but  not so many.

20$ xD

Actually we have a working in alpha state private server, reachable by everyone by request. And modified client.


I'm looking for a mad nolifer PRO modder, to port everything terra-rp 3.3.5a have to 7.3.5 legion(TC-Legion). This, perhaps, would not be a beach walking.

You should know many about Legion formats, be good with HEX, DBC/DB2, emulators/databases, converting and. datamining inside of our archives.

Would be good also if you speak Russian, but not necessarily. All I have is around 500$, but the whole idea not about moneys, you should be interested at first.


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