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TrinityCore 3.3.5 Additional Character Options/Skins

Certain races in Warcraft have skins that the player cannot choose when customisating their characters. Human necromancers, Dark Iron Dwarves, Grimtotem tauren, and the like. I would like to know how I can enable these as character options for my server.

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thats cause those arent skins, just textures for npcs all in 1 texture

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Yes, and I want to enable them for my players. I've seen other servers do so, and I want to do the same. 

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Find the necromancer "skin" from the npc you like, then edit 1 skin from humans, all of that should be easy to do in PS


since im working on something similar I can give you a  quick example, if u already know something this should be easy
in this case, Im taking Orc skin03, so I just create a new one the way I wanted this new one to look , and your good to go!

You can guide yourself from retail or just old ones



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On 7/12/2020 at 12:14 PM, Soldan said:

IIRC, it's a flag in charsections.

Thanks. What flags would I need to change?

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