
Editing model textures and applying them back


So, I decided to dive in on my own little worldbuilding and came to a halt with texture application.

I want to draw a scar on my characters face and through WoWModelViewer I exported the .obj and all following files (texture png) and after editing the png how do I apply it on a model in WMV?
After testing it there I'd export it and import it into blender


I am new to this and if this is a wrong place to ask this question, could you point me where to go.


Thank you!

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Tbh I have no idea what you expect to get out of this but you can convert texture to blp with a blpconvertor8 and throw to the patch as a replacement for some face variations and then you can wear it ingame ... or oyu can do it by using one of milions of other ways to implement this

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