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Game Crashes when going into a zone edited with noggit


So im new to Noggit and I was making a restored Lordaeron project for myself and I was trying to make "Gilneas City"  with what i had, but when I went into the city in WOW it crashed immediately. The same thing happens in Eastern Plaguelands that i edited Stormwind into. I originally put Stormwind as Gilneas City and Stratholme but when  I went into game it crashed in both areas. I assumed it was the Stormwind model screwing everything up but when i went into the map without the models it still crashed.


Noggit - 3.2614 12_29_2019 2_46_46 PM_LI.jpg

Noggit - 3.2614 12_29_2019 2_44_41 PM_LI.jpg


Movies & TV 12_29_2019 2_39_58 PM (2).png

Edited by sdfuselol
edit: grammer mistakes Edit 2:Changed an image due to sensitive info

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5 answers to this question

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Are you editing a Blizz map? 
Are you swapping textures on Blizz maps?

I recommend creating your own custom map instead to avoid wow errors. Modifying Blizz maps can be very annoying because once you start to change too much, wow doesn't like it. Especially if you are new to Noggit and don't know how to work around the specific error. 

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Alastor this noggit version im using is the one from the website, were is it possible to get the newer one assuming by odl you mean old

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