
Prophecy RP (Fall of Lordaeron) recruiting developers

Hello. Prophecy RP projects needs more developers to help work on our client-side editing tools and serverside software.

If you are not familiar with what Prophecy is you can check out our MCNet page ( as well as our Reddit ( 

We have a talented and friendly team with well-known and experienced people from the WoW modding community both in design, development and lore areas.

We are currently in serious need of help with some development (programming task) which involve:

- Client side editing. Creating small tools to aid with client side development e.g. model converter scripts and/or adding features or fixing existing bigger tools like Noggit / WoW Blender Studio (which is developed by me).

- Serverside. Involves implementing of gameplay systems planned by our system designers, as well as core fixes.

- CASC Host / TACT.NET development and administation. While our development pipeline still heavily relies on 3.3.5a, the end goal is to run the release version of the project on newer expansions, such as Battle for Azeroth.

- Interface scripting.

There are a few developers (programmers) already in the team, so you will not be alone on any task. 

If you are interested, please contact me here via DM or Discord (Skarn#6841).


We are also welcoming people to other positions listed on our project page. However, the need for this is not so crucial at the moment.

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