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Loremaster Recruitment [Paid]


Greetings all, my name is Reborn, and I am the co-owner of an upcoming completely custom private server. We seek to emulate Blizzard quality in our content, but have completely changed virtually all aspects of the world. Changes include: Completely custom zones, lore, dungeons, raids, and combat.


Why I am here:

Our server is nearing completion, and we are in desperate need of talented Loremasters/Quest writers.



- Fluency in the English language.

- Substantial knowledge of Warcraft lore.

- Enthusiasm towards our server and willingness to work.


I do not expect anyone to work for free, and as such, am offering monetary compensation.


If you are interested in working with us and would like more information on the server/pay, please feel free to contact me or my main developer Peacy.



- Reborn#1315

- Peacy#7989

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On 2/25/2019 at 7:59 PM, Wisthler said:

I'll add you so we can Talk, alright?

Looking forward to it! My Discord is Reborn#1315. 

Edited by Balkron

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