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death of retroporting: TXID

whats happen.. 

adspartan converter don't work with 8.0.1+ anymore because of txid

casc explorer kaput wont let me load 7.3.5 client ..

any1 ideas ? impossible with noggit to get any model from other expansion ... + + no release here either ..

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A few months old, but has there been any update on the scene about this TXID shit? Really a shame not being able to downport those nice 8ne_ night elf buildings. I noticed that the site had the models working in 3D, so somebody has got to have some clue about how to read these TXID references.

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6 hours ago, Vortalex said:

A few months old, but has there been any update on the scene about this TXID shit? Really a shame not being able to downport those nice 8ne_ night elf buildings. I noticed that the site had the models working in 3D, so somebody has got to have some clue about how to read these TXID references.


But you did see my above post that not only links the complete documentation but also a retroporting guide, right?

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3 hours ago, wungasaurus said:


But you did see my above post that not only links the complete documentation but also a retroporting guide, right?

Some of us don't really specialize in all that coding stuff. To me, that might as well be written in spanish. I checked out the links, but I didn't really know what that information meant. Someone in the discord actually kind of explained it to me, and so I have a bit of an understanding now, but even still that video isn't increddibly useful for someone like me who doesn't code. I appreciate the link though.

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