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4.0+ WMOs for 335

Hi, i've spent literally an entire month trying to get these working, ive tried so many things to get them working in WMV & Noggit, most recelty i downloaded a patch (patch A) from the downloads on this site but some of them were broken so i tried unpacking, deleting broken files, repacking using MPQ editor but it does not show up in WMV annoyingly. I know it seems lazy but ive literally spent hours trying to get this done, does anyone have access to a working patch for 4.0+ WMOs? im so fed up of trying to get this to work....

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You know uploading these is tricky becasue of the size. And its really easy.

1. Get Casc explorer
2. Extract world/wmo folder from a current patch
3. Download Adspartens multi Converter
4. Drag the whole folder into the Window and hit convert. 
5. Wait
6. Open MPQ-Editor and creat a new patch
7. Create EXAKT the same structure e.g. world/wmo
8. Put patch in wow folder
9. Manually add the patch to WMV7 (in settings)
10. Restart Modelviwer
11. Profit

BE AWARE: This will not extract the Textures. Todo so extract DUNGEONS Folder and add it also. PATHS are very important here
BE AWARE: Some WMO will not work on crappy 3.3.5 and crappy WMV7. Manually fixing those will be a pain.

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