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[SOLVED] Accessing the (player) user of a gameobject

Hi there! :)

How do you access the (player) user of a gameobject?

For instance, let us consider this simple gameobject script :

class go_chairofjudgmentgood : public GameObjectScript
	go_chairofjudgmentgood() : GameObjectScript("go_chairofjudgmentgood") { }

	struct go_chairofjudgmentgoodAI : public GameObjectAI
		uint32 goTimer;
		go_chairofjudgmentgoodAI(GameObject* go) : GameObjectAI(go)

		void Reset()
			goTimer = 7000;
		void UpdateAI(uint32 diff) override
			if (goTimer <= diff)
				goTimer -= diff;

	GameObjectAI * GetAI(GameObject * go) const
		return new go_chairofjudgmentgoodAI(go);


Let us assume the object type of the chairofjudgmentgood is indeed a chair. How could I get the Player (class) of the player sitting on the chair at line 23 (//HERE)?

Thanks in advance for your help :D

Edited by Roarl

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