Changes in [BETA]

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What is changed so far:

  1. Game Music (City/Zones music from Cataclysm and upwards)
  2. Creature Models (as i said the 80% is changed)
  3. Spell effects and animations (including Enchants)
  4. Spell sounds (not all spells, tho some specific got used)
  5. Minor world changes (like lampposts, crates etc)
  6. Ambient Sound (and specially the rain sound which is replaced with a more realistic one)
  7. Some icons in the Character Creation UI
  8. Some weapons (Under WiP state, only Grand Marshal and Overlords Stave at the moment)
  9. Character login screens


Under work progress:

  1. Character Models
  2. A small creature model variation to replace
  3. Some weapon variations

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