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Warden can to some extend detect multi jump feature thats all 
also LUA unlock is bannable as well but only if they figure out you are using it which is almost impossible as well unless you gave it aways with most fucking obvious way possible which i cat neven think of right now

Aka if you would use non hack on any server chance of you getting banned is almost non existant

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No idea what detected in it but you can still appel on unban as they cant prove anything malicious and if they do then tell me what they claimed i can maybe imagine that server checked that client does not visual asccept barber costs or smth and it thought its a hack which is nonsense since price is checked by server and edit in exe wil lcause no advantage as I dont play on warmane i have no idea what they do or not id have to go and see myself 

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Anyway after researching wardern closely it seems that its detecting the LUA Unlock so i will edit that out with other stuff to make only visual edits

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Sounds good, thanks! I was originally just wanting to use it for that specific reason.

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I was not expecting normals users to use this on common servers so this is mistake on my side too for not researching the warden enough to know that i could get you banned I will maek some very "safe" exe since some of those functions are 100% undetectable but seeing what warden can do I need to take out smth

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only warmane will detect you due to Lua Unlock. If you use Lua Macro you get banned.. They can see the output of Macro and Chat Message... that why it easy to get banned there.

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So now there is no risk of getting banned on Warmane servers ? Without hack version is safe to use ?

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1 minute ago, Alastor Strix'Efuartus said:

Dont think so since its editing LUA i heard they ban those you can remove that and it should be safe

Ok thank you :)

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I have added a new file to the topic that is a script containing offsets to edit the wow.exe so you can make your own edits and exclude any that you dont like or that would get you banned on servers that has working warden (list of warden checks is listed here https://wowdev.wiki/Warden ) 

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1 hour with new executable here. No ban and working perfectly :)

Server : Warmane Lordaeron 


Edit : nvm... even with my edits my account is suspended ?

Edited by Vhy

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Warden checks for these things 
so you should avoid using the multijump LUA edits maximum jump and maximum climb angle there is also FrameXML listed but I never got banned anywhere with that so someone would need to check but this EXE is not meant for hacking on live servers but for testing/developing/ or servers that specificaly allow such changes

Offset		Size		Description
0x420541	0xA		WS2_32.Send check
0x48A2CC	0x6		Unknown Chat Related (Called by CGChat__AdChatMessage) // Cypher	
0x48A2F0	0x5		Unknown Chat Related (Called by CGChat__AdChatMessage) // Cypher
0x48D4A0	0xC		AddChatMessage
0x490430	0xC		SendChatMessage
0x49DBB2	0x7		Protected Lua Func Check // Cypher
0x4AA9C2	0x5		FrameXML Signature Check
0x5CDC20	0x6		Unknown Falling Check	 // Cypher
0x61535A	0x9		Unknown. CGUnit_C Member Function. Uses SummonedBy/CreatedBy. ?? // Cypher
0x681778	0x5		
0x7B9D42	0x6		Unknown. Movement related. (?) Only Xref uses CInputControl. // Cypher
0x7BAA98	0xC	
0x8C8398	0x8		Maximum Wall Climb
0x8C845C	0x8		Gravity	 // Cypher
0x8F7AC8	0x8		Jump Velocity // Note from Cypher: Physics sucks ass, its not really velocity but we're calling it that anyway.
0xB93714	0x8		Unknown Login Check (Parental restrictions??) // Cypher	

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Just noticed that the CastSpell() and CastSpellByName() throw an error when trying to cast a melee spell with a death knight, otherwise all non melee spell or AOE throw no error at all.

Didn't tried if it throw an error on other melee classes.

Can you look up to fix this ?

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