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Found an issue when im trying to load vanilla CharacterFacialHairStyles.dbc . I get an the error:

ERROR CharacterFacialHairStyles.dbc : Id column contains duplicates.

This is on version v1.04, the new version is loading the dbc but it shows only one columns.

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6 hours ago, Uthil said:

Found an issue when im trying to load vanilla CharacterFacialHairStyles.dbc . I get an the error:

ERROR CharacterFacialHairStyles.dbc : Id column contains duplicates.

This is on version v1.04, the new version is loading the dbc but it shows only one columns.

Get the latest Vanilla definitions from here. Looks like this is another case of Blizzard not using a primary key in a DBC file.

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Nice tool! Thanks for your work!

I have some issues with CreatureModelData.dbc (3.3.5 12340) since once I have exported it to CSV I cannot import it again to the program:


I tried with custom and blizz versions of the dbc file but it does not work.

PD: Same with SQL format


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I keep getting "ERROR TextureFileData.db2 : Id column contains duplicates." when trying to open TextureFileData.db2, but there is no way for me to tell the ID columns and what is duplicated. Or there is and I just don't know. Help either way would be nice!

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@Arbiter and @Ferreon apologies for the ridiculously delayed reply, both your problems were resolved in version 1.0.5. I've not actively been on this forum in a few months hence the lack of response, sorry!

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WotLK definition of this DBC seems to be incorrect. #11 is supposed to be bloodLevel, #12 is supposed to be bloodID and #13 is definitely NPCSoundID refference. Your definition marks #13 as particleColor. Fields #14, #15 and #16 seem to have incorrect definitons as well.


EDIT: Created a fork.

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Thanks Amaroth, looks like I missed BloodLevel which set the rest of them wrong. I've updated this is on both projects changes can be found on the dev branch for the time being.

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Hi !

I've been noticing something recently, the definitions in WDBX have kinda skipped the 7.2.5. I was wondering if that could have any effect on the result, and what version I should use to open files in 7.2.5, either 7.2.0 or 7.3.0.

Thanks in advance !

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13 hours ago, Kelzano said:

Hi !

I've been noticing something recently, the definitions in WDBX have kinda skipped the 7.2.5. I was wondering if that could have any effect on the result, and what version I should use to open files in 7.2.5, either 7.2.0 or 7.3.0.

Thanks in advance !

in your case you should still use 7.2 ... i am assuming that you are not playing retail. For 7.3 however we are kinda not able to do anything as there have been no releases for sig and md5 removed wow.exe since blizzard introduced the new protection system. 

Retail modding is kinda dead at this point until someone finds a way around the protection again. I am hoping and waiting every day for a release so that i can get back my old spell animations... well all that remains is just hoping at this point i guess

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5 hours ago, lululalaland said:

in your case you should still use 7.2 ... i am assuming that you are not playing retail. For 7.3 however we are kinda not able to do anything as there have been no releases for sig and md5 removed wow.exe since blizzard introduced the new protection system. 

Retail modding is kinda dead at this point until someone finds a way around the protection again. I am hoping and waiting every day for a release so that i can get back my old spell animations... well all that remains is just hoping at this point i guess

Thanks for the answer !

Actually, making some researchs on the problem I had, using 7.3.0 worked for what I had to do using WDBX, seems like they didn't bother adding the definition as it didn't change much between those versions. Yeah I noticed that the Retail had been kinda locked since last update, #feelsbadman.

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On 23.9.2017 at 8:56 PM, Kelzano said:

Thanks for the answer !

Actually, making some researchs on the problem I had, using 7.3.0 worked for what I had to do using WDBX, seems like they didn't bother adding the definition as it didn't change much between those versions. Yeah I noticed that the Retail had been kinda locked since last update, #feelsbadman.

you know, its interesting that nobody seems to be talking about modding 7.3 ... its actually really disappointing to see that absolutely nobody tries find a solution on the various modding forums. I mean i am trying to keep some threads alive on ownedcore asking for some information and status update ... but nobody with actualy knowledge seems to answer. 


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On 29/09/2017 at 8:38 PM, lululalaland said:

you know, its interesting that nobody seems to be talking about modding 7.3 ... its actually really disappointing to see that absolutely nobody tries find a solution on the various modding forums. I mean i am trying to keep some threads alive on ownedcore asking for some information and status update ... but nobody with actualy knowledge seems to answer. 


Actually there are some people talking about modding 7.3, but ... it's in chinese x).

They seem to be freaking out about the fact that in the 7.3 update, the bones and many other things have been messed up, so basically most of the .m2 patches concerning characters are compleeeeetly gone. Also, the CASC2017 seems to be working again on the Retail, strangely. Anyways I guess that this means that the updates about all that will come soon, I hope ?

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15 hours ago, Kelzano said:

Actually there are some people talking about modding 7.3, but ... it's in chinese x).

They seem to be freaking out about the fact that in the 7.3 update, the bones and many other things have been messed up, so basically most of the .m2 patches concerning characters are compleeeeetly gone. Also, the CASC2017 seems to be working again on the Retail, strangely. Anyways I guess that this means that the updates about all that will come soon, I hope ?

I dearly hope so mate ... 

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is this still being worked on  or is it dead in the water? i really hope its not dead cause this tool has been so helpful over past year's and honestly cant imagine not using it

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sadly it is looking like barncastle has stopped development of the project which as i said half a year ago its  shame.

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