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Legion -> Wotlk Multi Converter Sources

   (8 reviews)

8 Screenshots

@Adspartan Found a bug, it seems Blizzard updated some '.anim' file after 7.3 or 7.2.5, it causes sitting animation for some models looks strange or client crash if I used new '.anim' file, for example, all of druid artifact model, some titan model likes Aggramar and so on.

Edited by shenhuyong

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On 5.4.2017 at 4:17 AM, elireth123 said:
Everything works fine, just a problem. I tried to convert the map of Gilneas, but 3 WMOs generate crash in the game without Log.

By testing I have discovered that the WMO are the prison, the cathedral and the mansion. I will not know how to solve it.

Does anyone else have the same problem?
This is a great tool !

Yeah got the same Problem, also with WMOs from Kezan.
Tried version 3.0.1, 3.2.0 and with client version Cata 4.X, Legion 7.1.5 and Legion 7.3.5 everytime i try to fly around Gilneas or Kezan it crashed, but when i delete all WMOs in Noggit the Maps work just fine.


Edit: One of the broken WMOs is Gonlin_PoolWalls.wmo

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On 27/11/2017 at 3:28 PM, shenhuyong said:

@Adspartan Found a bug, it seems Blizzard updated some '.anim' file after 7.3 or 7.2.5, it causes sitting animation for some models looks strange or client crash if I used new '.anim' file, for example, all of druid artifact model, some titan model likes Aggramar and so on.

The anim fix will be included in the next version that's coming soon

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On 24/01/2018 at 5:55 AM, dafengqixi said:

How to fix helm?

Just convert the models with the option enabled and the position will be fixed to fit wotlk's characters.

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On 27/01/2018 at 7:48 PM, Draca said:

Yeah got the same Problem, also with WMOs from Kezan.
Tried version 3.0.1, 3.2.0 and with client version Cata 4.X, Legion 7.1.5 and Legion 7.3.5 everytime i try to fly around Gilneas or Kezan it crashed, but when i delete all WMOs in Noggit the Maps work just fine.


Edit: One of the broken WMOs is Goblin_PoolWalls.wmo

Thanks, I found the problem easily with the wmo, the fix will be in the next release too !

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On 2018/1/29 at 7:24 PM, Adspartan said:

Just convert the models with the option enabled and the position will be fixed to fit wotlk's characters.

But I didn't see any change, and the helmet was still high after the conversion.

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On 05/02/2018 at 9:51 AM, dafengqixi said:

But I didn't see any change, and the helmet was still high after the conversion.

Does it happen only with one helmet ? Can you give me the filename ?

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On 2018/2/13 at 5:50 AM, Adspartan said:

它的发生只有一个头盔吗? 你能给我文件名吗?

The latest version is no problem, it's great!Thank you for sharing.

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The particle is not good.

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It's a good fix, but there are some problems.
For example, the flying action of a mount is basically composed of two kinds of movements. Action 1= fan wing + action 2= glide, 1>2 in the action, and the timing switch of two actions is achieved.
The converter directly invokes 2 glide.
I hope it will help you.

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Seem's that some objects (7XP_LegionFall_Banner01.m2 being one of them) when converted will show up invisible but don't crash the client, not sure what's causing it however.

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Hey bro, when I try to pass a WMO of 8.0.3, skip error, is there a solution to this?

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Hello, I tried to convert "elwynntreecanopy04.m2" to Wotlk with the new textures from Legion. But unfortunately it didnt work :/
I took whole folder "trees" where several other .m2/.skin and .blp files are located. After I put them into the converter I make a custom patch and put the files in there (I guess the converter saves the files from where I dragged them in for example the files are from "Legion 7.3.5/ClientFiles/Worl/Azeroth/Elwynn/PassiveDoodads/Trees" then they get saved in the same folder right?). Then I tried to look at them in the WMV for 3.3.5a (ofc after I put the custom patch in the 3.3.5a Data folder) but everytime I see the damn ugly old tree :/ I know it maybe sounds ridicoulos, but is there something like a "step-by-step" guide for this?

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Is it still possible to get the optional 'with/without' ground doodad checkbox? ? Converted draenor over and this tool is magic, it's incredibly quick and simple.  As for the ground doodads, I read earlier it them being removed due to errors, adt errors due to lack of dbc input? Either way would be great to get this option!

Definitely agree with other posters, this tool is incredibly awesome. 

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I have test this cool tool.I convert all from 7.3.5 and use version 3.3

but I met some issues:


  • maybe we can automaticly delete *.wdl because it will cause client crash(other question:can I create wdl by myself?);
  • wdt can not be read well by TC maps tool so we can not generate maps/vmaps/mmaps;
  • convert maps will missing areaid information,maybe wmos areaid also missing.


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Any reason why this has not been updated for BFA?, The model convert part still works perfectly, but the models don't seem to be able to find the textures, so everything is just white :(

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4 hours ago, jungla said:

Any reason why this has not been updated for BFA?

The developer has no interest in this project anymore.

There is a second tool that cares only about textures, so that this tool works again. I do not know the name, sorry.

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6 hours ago, wungasaurus said:

The developer has no interest in this project anymore.

There is a second tool that cares only about textures, so that this tool works again. I do not know the name, sorry.

Oh okay well time to google, Thank you.

Or if anyone else knows the name of this other tool that would be very helpful! - Tool is about TXIDS

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Hello first I would like to thank you for making this tool. But I am having some trouble running the program can anyone help me get it started thank you

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