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Legion -> Wotlk Multi Converter Sources

   (8 reviews)

8 Screenshots

13 hours ago, Смердокрыл said:

I tried. It crashes when I click on the wmo

then the only way is replacing your m2 with a fog or something near invisible

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2 minutes ago, MR.Farrarie said:

then the only way is replacing your m2 with a fog or something near invisible

I can't do that, because that will also replace the bridges which are in the correct places.

There must be a way to do that via 010 editor

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its worst in the 010 editor if you removed a doodad it will be small white with blue box

and bro you don't change the bridge you only replace the small doodads that is flying


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1 hour ago, Смердокрыл said:

How can I do that then?

search for the .m2 name that you don't want

then replace it with another .m2


1. how to find the .m2: throw the wmo to notebad get the list file of .m2

search for them in the modelviewer and get the name of the .m2 you don't want


2. how to replace  :name an alternate .m2 with the same .m2 that you don't want

copy it to the same folder and replace

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35 minutes ago, MR.Farrarie said:

search for the .m2 name that you don't want

then replace it with another .m2


1. how to find the .m2: throw the wmo to notebad get the list file of .m2

search for them in the modelviewer and get the name of the .m2 you don't want


2. how to replace  :name an alternate .m2 with the same .m2 that you don't want

copy it to the same folder and replace

So, as I said before, you are suggesting replacing the model of the doodad itself, which I can't do, because that model is used in that wmo multiple times, and in correct places.

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On 31/03/2017 at 2:10 PM, Sardonyx said:

Hmm no ground effects m2 from wod+ seems to work.Any idea?

That's because I remove them if they are not from wotlk to avoid crashes. I can add an option to leave them if you want.

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I managed to make them work with a earlier version of the converter.Now they don't crash and they work perfectly ingame

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On ‎4‎/‎2‎/‎2017 at 0:11 PM, Adspartan said:

I removed it, just download it again ^^

X-D better than wow april fool day

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Everything works fine, just a problem. I tried to convert the map of Gilneas, but 3 WMOs generate crash in the game without Log.

By testing I have discovered that the WMO are the prison, the cathedral and the mansion. I will not know how to solve it.

Does anyone else have the same problem?
This is a great tool !

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2 hours ago, elireth123 said:
Everything works fine, just a problem. I tried to convert the map of Gilneas, but 3 WMOs generate crash in the game without Log.

By testing I have discovered that the WMO are the prison, the cathedral and the mansion. I will not know how to solve it.

Does anyone else have the same problem?
This is a great tool !

try getting those wmos from previes expansion like mop cata

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On 29.03.2017 at 9:04 PM, Смердокрыл said:

So, as I said before, you are suggesting replacing the model of the doodad itself, which I can't do, because that model is used in that wmo multiple times, and in correct places.

Could someone help, please?

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23 hours ago, Смердокрыл said:

Could someone help, please?

try extracting the ship from live they usualy bugged at ptr

but if the problem still you have to wait for

KJ encounter

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Where can I find an up to date Legion client besides downloading it straight from Blizzard?

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there wmo crash




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On 24/11/2017 at 2:30 AM, Xion Hearthem said:

Is this thing still being worked on? 

Yes, I just released a new version

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