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Legion -> Wotlk Multi Converter Sources

   (8 reviews)

8 Screenshots

if you put a large path for the model it gives error if is not this the error if you put a lot of folders it gves you a outofbounds error i thinks is an array or a matrix.

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How many files / folder do you have ? I've already converted a lot models at once and never had this error.

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7 hours ago, Adspartan said:

How many files / folder do you have ? I've already converted a lot models at once and never had this error.

i think, the path is too large

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omfg this is so epic my friend, you're a god for many many modders, i think I love you (in a friendly way ofc), will you notice me senpai ?

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Awesome, will you build a converted for WOD Garnision Buildings infuture? They are missing specific Chunks if i did understand this right


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On 27.4.2016 at 7:24 PM, Adspartan said:

You can convert garnison buildings already.

Well they dont work with your converter, or im doing something wrong. freshly exported, with ALL M2s and BLps, the needed Skin and BLP files for the M2s including, everything converted with your converter. 

An empty Map, just 1 WMO and a patch containing that map, the map.dbc, the wmo and all needed files.

Im always getting a D11 Crash with your converted..

Map: http://prntscr.com/ay2bux

Crash: http://prntscr.com/ay2c3t

Could you please help me with this?


The Model im using here is



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I tried that wmo and didn't get any crash, and I'm using a few other wmo from the garnison and I've got no problem at all so I don't know what's wrong here sorry.

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Could you give the name of the wmo that you think are crashing ? (the smaller the better)


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I tested all of the artifact wmo all of the rest work fine

only the paladin one crash

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Don't working on my computer but working on my father's computer... well thanks anyway i got my creatures from Legion :)

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21 hours ago, MR.Farrarie said:


I tested all of the artifact wmo all of the rest work fine

only the paladin one crash

I've found the problem : particles where added to some m2s that the wmo uses, which cause the crash.

The thing is I've yet to figure out how to identify those particles (if there is a way to...).

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On 05/05/2016 at 7:34 PM, MR.Farrarie said:


I tested all of the artifact wmo all of the rest work fine

only the paladin one crash

I think I've found how to remove the particles that cause a crash (I don't remove them from the file but decrement the particle count because they are at the end of the particles) but I've found out that some artifacts are not rendered as well as before so I'll search for the cause and update the tool.

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just found a new problem

this helmet from the last build is higher from the head of the character


but from the first alpha build its fine

really weird !

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Yeah I know, it seems that blizzard changed the bone on which the helmet is attached on the models, so the offset is different. I don't know if it's possible to change the offset automatically because it concerns only the helmet models, starting from an build (I don't know which one). Plus I'm not sure about how the helmets work.

So I don't think I'll do something about it for now.

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1 hour ago, MR.Farrarie said:

guldan hulked super has white particles 

not red as in legion


 haven't looked at the model I don't have the time, but I'm guessing it tries to use a color from https://wowdev.wiki/ParticleColor.dbc

that you don't have for the particles, try to see if the legion dbc has the same structure as before (it's the same in LK and WoD) if so take the legion one an see if it's still white.

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it don't have the same structure

but I don't think that's the problem because WOD one have the same structure

I used it to check CREATURE\Voidlord

and the particules is still white and this creature is from WOD



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Version 2.0.5 corrupt some of the m2 like Guldan model have corrupted submesh in his face and many models have weird textures like harpy2 look at her sholder have weird texture but when I use a previos version

and thank you again for this amasing tool !!

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