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Legion -> Wotlk Multi Converter Sources

   (8 reviews)

8 Screenshots

Honestly when something looks bad in wmv just check IG, a lot of models aren't rendered correctly in wmv.

Here is what it looks like IG :


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Hey man thank you for this awesome tool, i have a problem if you can help me i converted the legion mage fireball and put it in a mpq patch, when i cast it ingame its all green ty.


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36 minutes ago, Adspartan said:

If it's green it means you have some missing textures.

I see but maybe it has to do with how i implement the stuff, for example i take the name of the fireball or wrathfull sword and change flaming ashbringer to that name the m2 blp and skin file make it in to a patch and thats it but it also has problems here a picture of the ashbringer http://imgur.com/34BpYtw . So is it the way i implement them wrong or cos i have the latest legion build in casc maybe its bad cos i got the m2 skin and blp file for this sword, sry if you cant understand something im noob on this stuff.

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I have fixed my problem it was missing textures, i put the m2 file in 010 editor and found which textures i was missing, i put them in the patch and it works fine :) tnx for the help.

Pic: http://imgur.com/HsL4qp4

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I could list the blp required in the model converted in file if you want. But bear in mind that the "skin blp" would not be listed but they're in the same folder as the model so it's not too inconvenient.

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Hahaha how disordoned I am...All this time I was missing blps hahaha ,thx for waking me up!


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found another problem when I convert the new male vrykul from latest build in legion

his leg is bugged but when converting by Anthony converter its fine don't know why

your tool is incredible usefull for the modding community I'm only trying to help a lil by finding bugs

to make this tool a better legend than its now

and there is some spells that have problems with particules and yes I checked in game

1- SPELLS\7fx_nightmare_lavaburst_impact.m2
2- SPELLS\7fx_nightmare_missile.m2
3- SPELLS\7fx_nightmare_void_state.m2
4- SPELLS\7fx_nightmare_wrath_missile.m2

5- some spell change it color spells\Shaman_lavaburst_green_missile.m2 from green to yellow

and some creature like the nightborn male have problem with the texture

I really thank you for your effort keep it up friend your tool is legendary


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I've found what was wrong with the nightborn male, but some textures are using fading so it can't be perfect, as for the spell that has a wrong color I have no idea, maybe it's a fail from blizzard... but I don't think it comes from the model itself.


I just tried it and yeah... it's a bit greenish but it look more yellow to me ^^

You may have noticed a difference with your it's because I've found a way to fix some particles but I've yet to found exactly when to apply the fix :/


For the vrykul can you tell me the name of the model so that I can test it ?

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character\vrykul\male\vrykulmale.m2 from last legion build

it convert right with Anthony script but when I use your tool his legs become bugged

and can you update the tool with the particules fix because many spells mostly the nightmare ones are bugged

and thank you friend for your reply cant thank you enough

and some legion models have particules that use 2 textures like the doomlord shoulder particules have green fel fire with some purple fire in it

weird in wotlk its only green !

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It's not weird, LK does not support multitexture particles so some are lost in the conversion.


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Is that the problem you have ? If so I have no idea and if I use philip's converter the model is buggyWoWScrnShot_033016_000954.thumb.jpg.54c1


Edit : it looks like the problem is there with the other converter too... maybe the model isn't finished (keep in mind legion is still in alpha ^^)

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Erf, I thought I add posted this but it seems like I forgot to submit it *facepalm* :

Can you post a screen with the model working and another with the bug to compare ? (and please just put the link, see the main post for the reason ^^)


And I'm glad you like the tool :P


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weird it worked fine this time but only without a beard xD but when I use Anthony script the beird stay






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and the spells worked as anime but I think the colors is wrong to bright

1- SPELLS\7fx_nightmare_lavaburst_impact.m2
2- SPELLS\7fx_nightmare_missile.m2
3- SPELLS\7fx_nightmare_void_state.m2
4- SPELLS\7fx_nightmare_wrath_missile.m2

your tool is getting better and better thanks for every update friend

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No, for now I just have a private repository. I might release le sources later when I'll be more satisfied about the tool but for now I prefer to keep them for myself.

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On ‎4‎/‎9‎/‎2016 at 1:56 PM, Adspartan said:

No, for now I just have a private repository. I might release le sources later when I'll be more satisfied about the tool but for now I prefer to keep them for myself.

any update friend its been a wile hope your ok

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