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Hig-Resolution Drakes for 3.3.5 1.0.0

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Higher resolution models for the classic drakes, WotLK 3.3.5

- Drakemount2 folder: with various models for yout mounts (without armor, with armor + headgear and with armor + runes for the Azure drake)
- Drake2 folder: with models for the regular drake mobs, if you want to switch them too.

Textures to use  in the dbc:
- Custom creature Texture 1 = skin of the drake
- Custom creature Texture 2 = used only for the Azure drake runes
- Custom creature Texture 3 = used for the armor texture

Just add the folders to an -mpq patch and add the models + texture choices to the creaturemodeldata.dbc and creaturedisplayinfo.dbc to start using them in in-game models.

After seeing Tomkek's redesign of the Onyxian drake, I wanted to try and make a model that could be used for the old drakes and still kept most of their aesthetics intact. The higland drake model was a good start, but it really looked too "generic fantasy dragon" and missed most of the aesthetic choices that made wow classic drakes unique.
I changed the wings for the wings in the Dragon2 models from Dragonflight, reshaped the head a little, reshaped the horns and for some models, added armor pieces, then rigged the meshes onto the old mounts' skeletons for animations.
Then proceeded to modify the textures and recreate the colors that weren't already present (again thanks to Tomkek for both inspiration and the base texture for the crocodile scales back of the Onyxian drakel, I blatantly copy pasted it).

The job might not be the best quality (this was my very first try at something more complex than retroporting models and fixing some minor issues. Texturework is amateurish at best and some animations might look a little wonky (especially the tail), but I still wanted to share the results.

I hope you enjoy it.

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