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WoW Modding Tools Cloud Storage 1.0.0

   (1 review)

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Hi. I dunno if you still support these, but I ran into a problem when trying to use the m2alastorone.bt template



*WARNING Line 1902: Variable '_AltMapping' not generated since array size is zero.
*ERROR Line 1903: Invalid structure. Ending position was in front of starting position.

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21 minutes ago, anonimas12 said:

Hi. I dunno if you still support these, but I ran into a problem when trying to use the m2alastorone.bt template



*WARNING Line 1902: Variable '_AltMapping' not generated since array size is zero.
*ERROR Line 1903: Invalid structure. Ending position was in front of starting position.

If that happend then your model was most likely damaged 

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Could it be, that it simply didn't load because I was trying to use template on retail m2? Since I ripped it straight from the game

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9 minutes ago, anonimas12 said:

Could it be, that it simply didn't load because I was trying to use template on retail m2? Since I ripped it straight from the game

template in my repo is only for LK models I will release updated version someday that is for all versions 

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Notification that this cloud is terminated due most likely someone reporting my mega account which got deleted from existance for copyright Im considering alternatives for now

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Thank you Alastor for reuploading this for everyone! It is greatly appreciated.

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