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Skarn's Alphamapping Template Collection 1.0.0

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This a small collection of various alphamapping templates that I gathered over the years of doing WoW modding. This release includes mountain templates from different zones, tileable ground (grass) templates and some other things.

Here I will explain more specifically:

  • Tileable Mountain Range.psd contains an interesting set of alphamaps ripped from Hyjal (3.3.5a version). They consist of fragments which you can combine in order to create endless tileable ranges of mountains. Blizzard also used this technique up to TBC, so there is not really much shame to be repetitive at that point.
  • Eversong.psd contains the entire Eversong Woods zone mountains exported. Use it freely for getting mountain patterns for your zones.
  • Howling Fjord Mountains.psd contains a huge mountain template ripped from Howling Fjord. Actually, it is not particularly blizzlike as I combined two mountains from Howling Fjord into a huge one, as I needed for my project. This template works out better with snowy texture scheme, but can also look good with grass (will actually look like Scottish Highlands). 
  • Various Mountains.psd is a collection of different alphamapping templates ripped from some WoW zones. There are Hyjal templates, Darkmoonfaire templates. I don't know where I got this from but I am glad to share it.
  • Corrupted Island.psd contains a custom alphamap based on Lost Isles template. It was created by Axel when we worked on a project together. It may actually be useful for creating volcanic and corrupted zones. Maybe something Legion or Outland themed.
  • Grass:
    • Durotar.png is a tileable version of Durotar dirt pattern.
    • Elwynn_Forest is the most generic alphamap that doesn to always look good but sometimes it comes in handy and useful. Also tileable.
    • Emerald Dream (2 layers) is a 2-layered alpahamap replicating the patterns from old Emerald Dream maps. Those fields with gigantic flowers is what I am talking about. Tileable.
    • Eversong Woods.png is a grass higlight template ripped from Eversong. This is actually my favourite template as it provides one of the smoothest grass patterns in the game. Though, there is one thing about it. It can only be used on top of a permanent (zero) layer of your ADT, cololored in dark grass, as it is a highlight layer. Otherwise, it won't look good. Tileable.
    • Lost Isles.png is a tileable grass template I ripped ages ago from Lost Isles. It is very weird but maybe someone will find a use out of it.

If someone is wondering how to use it and what for: Click


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