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[Swap/Retroporting] New spell visual effects from other expansions for most classes 0.0.2

   (1 review)

32 Screenshots

Originally created by Semen Veshkin.


Spell list (soon):

I have a spell list of changed visuals, but it's in russian. Send me a PM if you can help me to properly translate it.

Also there are swapped Rumsey Rum effects: changed to MoP cloack effects.



It's a merge of 8/10 spell patches by this russian modder. He didn't release similar work for rogue. And paladin's patch (9th patch which I didn't merged) has  a broken table. Using mydbceditor and some noob-coding (they use the same new ids, so I wrote a script to increment all new ids in dbc files for each file and sync these new ids in the related tables) I merged them so they can be used together. 



It's not compatible with any patch that change spell or, for example, druid forms through dbc record modifying. So if you have a patch that has Spell[anything].dbc, then it won't work. If most people will ask me to make compatibility changes for some popular patches I'll include it as an optional patch.


Write here if you can find any bug, I'll fix it and release update! 

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