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Vanilla, TBC and WOTLK Clothing textures Upscaled for 3.3.5 1.5

   (9 reviews)

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All Classic, TBC and WotLK clothing textures upscaled to x4, downscaled by 50% and then converted to BLP.

vanilla and TBC textures really get a nice boost from this.
Thx to the model-changing discord for pointing me in the right direction with things here.


  • Correct distortions, AI upscale errors on effected textures.
  • Upscale/denoise items such as: Shoulders/Head/Cape/Shield/Weapons etc. etc.

EDIT: Thanks to those of you who have pointed out some distortion or oddities in some of the textures. I didn't catch these and will improve them for the net release.

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