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Aplha&Retail Worgen and Goblin 3.3.5 v3.1

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ojala un Dia puedas poner los orcos Erguidos, SERIA UNA BUENA IDEA!!!!! QUIERO QUE SALGA UNA HACI

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my game crash all the time with this installed and Leeviathan's WoD Character is it not compatible with it? i though it was but a lot of skin colors are broken, beards are broken, goblins have no ears and nose.

Also can you make a version with only worgens, no npc etc?

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on 3.3.5, no WoD models - I get white textures around their nicks and untextured hair. both genders 

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For those with WoD Models:

The only reason the textures are screwed up is because the .blp files in these MPQs don't have "_HD" at the end of them; without that, the game reads the textures from the WoD models and not from this mod. I fixed this myself, and here's how.

1.) Download the attached .txt file.

2.) Open the MPQ(s) you want to use with an MPQ editor (e.g. Ladik's MPQ Editor)

3.) Extract all files ending in .blp to a folder where ONLY THOSE FILES are located (i.e. make a new folder for this)

3a.) Optionally, delete all of those files from the MPQ now since you have them selected. I did, and I don't know if it'll work without doing so

4.) Open the .txt file and change what's in the quotes in the first line

 cd "C:\YourFolderHere"

 to whatever that folder with all the .blp's is; just copy and paste from the address bar

5.) Replace .txt in the file name with .bat

6.) Run the batch file; if you get an error here, check for typos in the path name. If the .bat file is in the same folder as the .blp's, it'll have its name changed, too, but that's harmless

7.) Pack the renamed .blp files back into the MPQ

Do all that right and the textures should display correctly now. Did for me, at least.


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