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New icon Race,Class&Character creator like MOP 3.3.5a v9.1

   (1 review)

10 Screenshots

Hello, I created a set of icons (race and class) based on 3 images found in google graphics. Created for World of Warcraft 3.3.5a.

v7 Special thanks for repairing character creator I'm heading to mikki0033  from modcraft forum. Now work well female Orc and icon death knight. Added optional Cataclysm, Legion & Bfa logo.

v8 Special thanks for Fixed button to create a random nickname I'm heading to mikki0033 from modcraft forum. Thanks also to Marulu who reported the problem. Added  alternative character creation (MoP) without backgrounds and icon.

v9.1 Big thanks for warfoll02 who give me permission for modyfing this amazing stuff. Link for download 

Special Thanks Experimenst who upgrade this project.

If for someone doesn't work you need unlock lua or use

I was looking for a character creator screen similar to the dlc Mists of Pandaria(for a long time). I found a post on the site and compile him but its not perfect. Has a problem with female orc , the gender button doesn't work and class icon death knight is invisible. I can't fix it(I dont know how). At this moment I can change sequence of character classes.:










I'm use character , creature and uploaded Cata/Mop maps for 335 3.3.5a by Ohai created by :

 leeviathan -  

Finsternis -  http://www.modcraft.io/index.php?topic=10729

Ohai -  

original  creator PhilipTNG/kronixusa -  site link  http://www.modcraft.io/index.php?topic=7136.0  

PS. Sorry for poor English English isn't my native language.


v9.1 character&class icons.rar

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