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Void Case 2 - Characters pack - 335 1.4.0

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9 Screenshots

Few more models that im releasing 

Contains :

  • Alastor Strix'efuartus - Draenei Version
  • Alastor Strix'efuartus ScourgeLord - Draenei version in battlegear
  • Lythalia "Istasha" Morrigan Nalagash - Human witch doctor
  • Etein Ümyrdor - (valla in m2)  Nordic huntress 
  • Kali Magnus Hammer-Smite - Chosen one of Izalith fire the pyromancer
  • Krauzeria Tenebrisis - Night elf warlock shadowmancer
  • Bel Peol - Arbiter of Reverse Reasoning  / Judge of Paradoxes

Known bugs :

  • Alastor - sometimes her eyes are buggy


Some Special details 

Kali Magnus Hammer-Smite has few BFA animations working on LK use .mod standstate (or any other animations playing commnad) and browse animations from ID 400 up to 410 you will find them

Kali Magnus Hammer-Smite has glowy textures When she is in darker envirovement some parts of her will glow in the dark

Link to Void Case 1 : 


Alastor Strix'Efuartus's Other Downloads

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