• Version 1.0.0

CMD tools by Schlumpf, sources inside - up converts 8.0.x root and split files to 8.1.5+ filedataid format
- down converts post-filedataid files (8.1.5 - 10.2 and up) so they can be multiconverted to wotlk How to use: open cmd, point to your folder with the tools, folder with listfile.csv, folder for output, forlder with adt files, press enter
Example command to be pasted into cmd: D:/1/down.exe D:/1/listfile.csv D:/2 D:/1/*adt
D:/1/down.exe - path to the executable
D:/1/listfile.csv - path to the listfile
D:/2 - path for the output folder
D:/1/*adt - path to the input folder, last part specifies that all .adt files should be converted Important instructions 1) If you are using a new listfile from the repo (as you should) open it in 010 editor, bottom right click on CRLF, switch it to LF and save. 2) If you are using post-10.0 adt files for downporting remove all specular suffixes from tilests in the listfile (diffuse textures are no longer used), so all _s.blp in the conversion listfile should be just .blp. 3) Due to WMO scaling (I think?) the downconverted files have to be updated and saved in Noggit (take the widest brush on 0 power and update everything) or they will cause a crash.