• Version 1.0.2

[Human] House collection Here you can find a bucket of retextured Houses and other Human stuff!
Further down you can see the whole patch, what kind of .wmo's you will find in the patch!
Please say it, if anything is missing. Leave a like or a comment =) 

To try it by yourself - look at the file [Human] General colored Human roofs 3 Models, 9 colors!
or also 
[Stormwind] Sliced Stormwind Houses retextured

Enjoy it!

Decryption-Key: !4hVLkqffpRAhUF1laSzHGMh5swHle13GmsDcxDj0eqk

Human Wostorys & Farms
Human Silos
Human Guildhouses
Human Barns
Human Lumbermills
Human Magetowers
Human Barracks
Human Chapels
Human Inns
Human Goldmines
Human Blacksmiths
Human Mills
Human Stables

A huge Thanks at this point to @Valkryst!