Model Editing

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33 files

  1. Legion -> Wotlk Multi Converter

    Someone picked up the development, go >here< to follow the progress and send your issues
    Here is my multi converter, it can convert m2, wmo, adt, wdt and anim (7.3.5) from Legion to be used on wotlk (map can be visited with the client or edited with noggit).
    M2 using .skel are not supported.
    To use it just open it then drag and drop the files you want to convert (or a folder containing some, subfolder included) and click on "Fix", the files will be overwritten and it will delete the files that are unused on wotlk. If the .skin files are in the same folder they will be converted too.
    M2 already converted to LK format won't be converted again. As for WMO converting them multiple time won't affect them.
    ADT need their _tex0 and _obj0 counterpart to be converted.
    Warning: don't take the WDL files from blizzard, they have changed and causes wow error.
    Warning 2: the next releases of Noggit will require you to use the version 3.3 or newer, the m2 converted with the old versions were missing some data that Noggit now need, without it'll crash.
    What needs to be done :
    Fix forward flying animation for a few models Animation particles Set WMOs liquid types that correspond when the ID is too high Set fel liquid to green lava on adt for a better / more accurate look Some map might not look good because several effect like texture scaling that aren't there in wotlk, the 2 additional layers for texture introduced in wod, ...
    For those who want to report a problem :
    Tell me on which model(s) you've seen the problem and add screen(s), it help me fixing the problem faster. And send me your error.log where there are errors during the conversion !!
    And please use an external website to upload the screens because each time I upload a new version the screenshots in comments appear in the changelog for some reasons and I have to delete them which also delete them from the comments
    Thanks a lot to :
    All those who contributed / are contributing to the wiki, I couldn't have done it without this precious source of informations! Mjollna for her m2 converter and awesome ADT diagram! PhillipTNG for his m2 conversion script which helped me write mine in the beginning.  
    Sources are now available, see last release.


    (8 reviews)



  2. Vanilla, TBC and WOTLK Clothing textures Upscaled for 3.3.5

    All Classic, TBC and WotLK clothing textures upscaled to x4, downscaled by 50% and then converted to BLP.
    vanilla and TBC textures really get a nice boost from this.
    Thx to the model-changing discord for pointing me in the right direction with things here.

    Correct distortions, AI upscale errors on effected textures. Upscale/denoise items such as: Shoulders/Head/Cape/Shield/Weapons etc. etc. EDIT: Thanks to those of you who have pointed out some distortion or oddities in some of the textures. I didn't catch these and will improve them for the net release.


    (9 reviews)



  3. M2mod Redux

    I needed M2mod Redux version 4.5 for the modeling tutorial, but it couldn't be found anywhere in the internet. Thankfully, I found the archive on my computer (since I never clean my downloads folder and it's like 65 GB now) and decided to upload for anyone who might need it.
    All the credits go to Fr33m4n


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  4. [Swap/Retroporting] New spell visual effects from other expansions for most classes

    Originally created by Semen Veshkin.
    Spell list (soon):
    I have a spell list of changed visuals, but it's in russian. Send me a PM if you can help me to properly translate it.
    Also there are swapped Rumsey Rum effects: changed to MoP cloack effects.
    It's a merge of 8/10 spell patches by this russian modder. He didn't release similar work for rogue. And paladin's patch (9th patch which I didn't merged) has  a broken table. Using mydbceditor and some noob-coding (they use the same new ids, so I wrote a script to increment all new ids in dbc files for each file and sync these new ids in the related tables) I merged them so they can be used together. 
    It's not compatible with any patch that change spell or, for example, druid forms through dbc record modifying. So if you have a patch that has Spell[anything].dbc, then it won't work. If most people will ask me to make compatibility changes for some popular patches I'll include it as an optional patch.
    Write here if you can find any bug, I'll fix it and release update! 


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  5. Aplha&Retail Worgen and Goblin 3.3.5

    Hello, I trying make full workable alpha Worgen female and male for Human, Goblin female and male for Undead with Leeviathan's WoD Character Models. If someone want help me with fix this stuff, send me a message. I 'm new in modding WoW. I'm trying to fix this but only broke models textures. 
    Sorry for poor English. English isn't my native language.
     I probably will not be able to fix problems because I do not know how to edit models. If anyone knows how to edit models, please contact me. With a pleasant desire to establish cooperation.
    Big thanks for warfoll02 who give me permission for modyfing this amazing stuff. Link for download 
    My anather mods/ports:
    Video v2:
    Music used in video:  32Stitches - Olympus [NCS Release]


    (1 review)



  6. Legion to Wotlk (or Wod) M2 Converter

    I made this script to convert multiple models from Legion to Wrath of the Lich King or Warlords of Draenor. Requires 010 editor.
    The first script removes the unnecessary information before the M2 header and changes its version from 274 to 272 to make it work in WoD. The second one does the same but also runs Philip's converter on the M2 files to make them work in Wotlk.
    How it works:
    -Put the models you want to covert inside the folder called "Models".
    -Run "Legion M2 to Wod/Wotlk.bat" and wait
    This script can also read all the subfolders inside "models" and convert every M2 inside of them.
    Legion to Wotlk
    Legion to WoD
    To make this script work there must be an entry for 010 editor in environment variables (this allows windows to launch 010 editor through the cmd window, otherwise it won't work):
    -Right click on My computer -> properties -> advanced system settings -> environment variables -> Path
    -Click edit
    -Add your 010 editor directory to the list separated from the rest of the entries by a ";" (Example: ;C:\Program Files (x86)\010 Editor)
    (Detailed guide on this video)


    (2 reviews)



  7. M2Mod3 & M2Mod4

    I uploaded these because I couldn't find them anywhere.
    M2mod3 for wotlk
    M2mod4 for cata


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  8. M2Redux

    Here is the Download link for the lastest M2Redux since the last version i found here on MC was 4.5 or 4.6.1 so here you have the lastest one
    I do not take credits for this it mere repost the file was taken from
    M2Mod tool prives way to operate with Blizzard World fo Warcraft model files (*.M2 and *.skin). It reinterprets them in *.m2i files, that can be imported into Blender with scripts. If you wish, you can produce *.M2 from your edited *.m2i
    How to use.
        Install Blender     Download latest Blender m2i Scripts and install them into blender     Use M2Mod to produce m2i file and import it into Blender     Edit your model     Export your model to m2i file     Use M2Mod to create new m2 file based on exported m2i and base m2.


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  9. T10 in the character creation menu

    This patch displays the full set of T10 armor when creating a character. Each class is for each race.
    The file should be placed in the folder with the game in the following path - Wow/Data/enGB
    For 3.3.5a


    (2 reviews)



  10. Random Wildstar Models for 3.3.5

    With the Wildstar Private Server project still in its birthing period and there being currently no other way to relive the now lost online game, I endeavored to bring some of that cartoon-ish flare to World of Warcraft, featuring Drusera - the protagonist of the series! This model contains a fully rigged character, from head to toe, and also some custom particles. I've tweaked the animations a tad so that she hovers when ready to attack (unarmed) and when casting. The model itself has been edited quite a bit to accommodate the vastly different Human animations that I wanted her to have, and as such she no longer has her trademark dress, ending up with her looking quite barren beyond the shirt. I really would like to fix this, but at the moment have no clue how I could incorporate the dress without completely changing the base animations. Her skin textures on the legs and arms are slightly translucent, and the model itself has the 'Unlit' renderflags due to the original character being pretty glowy herself. The particle effects in the screenshots are optional and as such are included as Spell effect models, so you can choose whether to include those. I did this because I feel the constant star effects aren't everyone's cuppa tea. 
    I have included just the raw files - both the spell and the model/texture. Due to my vastly different DBCs, it'd be way more effort than it's worth to package it neatly into an MPQ for public consumption, but I'm assuming almost everyone here knows how easy it is to do themselves. The 'PurpleGhost' Spell is the star field you see around her in the screenshots, and the 'Crow' effect (replacing Atiesh's spell effect) is a periodic star effect that falls from the top of the character down to the ground. The rest is pretty self-explanatory. 
    Sidenote: At the moment, she is devoid of most of the Emote animations due to the model I rigged being Katherine Proudmoore from BfA, who seems to have had trouble during the downporting process and had all of her optional (such as the Emote and Work) animations ruined. This won't impact gameplay as I have replaced all the faulty animations with the 'Stand' animation to avoid crashing, and can be fixed if and once I can get my hands on a Katherine Proudmoore that doesn't have broken animations. Also I, personally, never intended her to have weapons because she was meant to be more like an NPC, so never got round to fixing the attachment positions. As a result, giving her weapons won't look appealing at all. If there's a legitimate outcry over this, I will change it. 


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  11. TXID Fixer

    This tool was made by to me unknown developer and posted on wow modding discord a long time ago but thru numerous occasions ppl were too lazy to seach for it so im pinning it here
    This version of FixTXID is modified and recompiled slightly by me beacuse it was stopping with each convert waiting for user input so I removed that function

    Download THIS LISTFILE from and place it next to the FixTXID.exe Drag'n'drop M2s(that still have TXID chunk) on it You can also run cmd loop --- Example :   for /r %%i in (*.m2) do FixTXID.exe "%%i"  


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  12. WoW Alpha MDX -> OBJ Converter/Viewer

    An old WoW Alpha MDX Converter/Viewer to OBJ Converter.
    It converts all WoW Alpha mdx files into OBJ files with mesh and uvmaps preserved. No weights, animations or particles!!!
    The UV-Map need to be mirrored at Y-axis to be correct.
    Made by DaishiOfDeath, i'm just reuploading it here since the converter has nearly disappeared from the internet.


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  13. SL to lk WMO conveter

    hello, today with the consent of both parties i would like to share  tool that i bought from Skarn SL to WMO converter
    since there is no working tool there You go

    but dont be so forward dont spam model changing net with wmo to sl pack's since it request still work into wbs etc only open wmos are gtg

    the BETTER tool is in development and EIntemporeldoing hard work and soon he  will share his to modding that that will be big lvl up to everyone of us


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  14. blp Bulk BLP Converter (PAL_A8 Format)

    When converting things such as Items from WOD to WOTLK, you will need to convert the BLP Files (textures) to the correct format so that the game reads it correctly.

    This is a simple batch file script that will help convert all the BLPs in one quick sweep, its not perfect but its better than doing it all manually.

    This tool is setup alongside this BLPConverter and you will also need Ant Renamer Portable

    How to use :

    1. Extract the ZIP Folder (should be able to put it anywhere)

    2.Place all BLP files you want to convert into the "ProjectFiles" folders

    3.Run "BLPConverter.bat" and wait for completion

    4.Do a search in the ProjectFiles folder for ".blp"

    5.Select all of the .blp files that do not finish with "_.blp" and delete them
       TIP : You want to delete the set of BLPs which have the earlier modified date, it should be obvious

    6.Run Ant Renamer Portable and click add folder and select your "ProjectFiles" folder

    7.Go onto the "Actions" menu, and then click on "String Replacement"

         Search for :  "_.blp"
         Replace by: ".blp"

    8. You are done.

    I thought I would share this tool as it made it way easier to convert BLPs in bulk, i know that the rename method could be made in the bat file itself, but i do not have the time to work that out at the moment.


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  15. PyModelEditor

    An old M2 editor for Wrath of the Lich King  by Tigurius. This is one of the latest versions from july 2011.
    Allows you to edit cameras, bones, particles, attachments, textures and more.
    Includes a model resizer script (PYM2 →
    Some models with .anim files will crash the game if you edit them using this program.
    External link.


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  16. Get FileData ID

    This tool allows to find the FileDataID according to the path of the model.
    It is still unstable but works. I foresee in the future a filter system by format.
    Thank to Rangorn for this RootFile Reader


    (1 review)



  17. Blood Mage Fel Orb Particle Effect Replacer for 3.3.5a

    Added the Blood Mage effect that Kael'thas has over the Mage Armor spell, and made the visual last the entire time you have Mage Armor on. I used an MPQ so you can plug-and-play, just rename it to any letter (for example, Patch-A) and it'll be all good! Will conflict with anything that alters the SpellVisual and SpellVisualKit dbcs, so I also added the loose files so more experienced members can add it themselves. Let me know if there are any issues!


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  18. (3.3.5a) Scythe of the Unmaker (Fixed) + Chroma Colors

    This pack contains necessary files and dbc information to incorporate the Scythe of the Unmaker present originally in Legion, the model has been retro-ported for use in Wotlk, and i've personally created each recoloring of the scythe. Ive also included icons for each, all of which i made save for the "rainbow" icon which was made by a fellow named Xecc via discord. (Thank you!)
    Colors Include:
    Blue Red Yellow Magenta Purple White Orange Green "Stained Glass" Rainbow (Scrolling)  
    Enjoy and use them as you wish


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  19. Jaina Proudmoore

    Jaina Proudmoore for 3.3.5
    Unknown author, I found it on a Russian forum, I thought it was cool and I'm sharing it.


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  20. Easy BlpConverter (PAL_A8 Format)

    Easy BLPConverter share the similar idea of
    But instead the Easy BLPConverter call directly the BLPConverter.exe program with argument which is faster. argument are parsed from given directory and sub-directory (it exclude cape because they appear green if you convert them. *optional).
    Rename BLP :
    Will rename all _.blp into .blp
    Print Listfile :
    Will print a suitable (casc) Listfile of given directory.
    How to use :
    BlpConverter Path : if you're not using given BLPConverter.exe please include his path and the .exe program
    Blp Folder Path : Go into your folder and copy link > Paste it in the textbox
    Press Convert Blp's Button wait to finish, then Run Rename BLP and you're done.
    hopefully this will save you some extra time enjoy.


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  21. Ayahne's custom fixed alliance tavern

    Some of my next work which You can take a look on LK its not perfect but still better than nothing

    removed fogs, paint custom vortex, fixed crashing m2's and little bit more

    file is from shadowlands converted to lich king so chairs etc You need to add ingame so players can sit on them

    had to set outdoor flag because some m2's are in shade if You know how to fix all m2's at once without that flag would be great

    have fun and post some screens from game
    Soon maybe someone upload orginal version of that wmo


    (3 reviews)



  22. Buckle Texture Hardcoder

    This script changes the texture type of a belt buckle m2 to "hardcoded", so you can attach it as a spell in WotLK.
    Requires 010 editor.
    How it works:
    -Put the models you want to modify inside the folder called "Models".
    -Run "MassBuckleTextureHardcoder.bat" and wait
    It copies the name of your current model and creates a texture path with the same name. If your model is called "Buckle_pinkunicorn" it will create a path called "Item\ObjectComponents\Waist\buckle_pinkunicorn.blp".
    This script only works if your model has "BUCKLE_" at the start of its name.
    If the model has multiple texture variations, just change its name and a different texture path will be created for that specific file. Example:
    Buckle_Leather_RaidMonk_N_01.m2 has 3 textures:

    If you wish to have all 3 variations, copy the model and change the name of its copies to "Buckle_Leather_RaidMonk_N_01Blue.m2" and "Buckle_Leather_RaidMonk_N_01Red.m2" so the path matches.
    To make this script work there must be an entry for 010 editor in environment variables (this allows windows to launch 010 editor through the cmd window, otherwise it won't work):
    -Right click on My computer -> properties -> advanced system settings -> environment variables -> Path
    -Click edit
    -Add your 010 editor directory to the list separated from the rest of the entries by a ";" (Example: ;C:\Program Files (x86)\010 Editor)
    (Detailed guide on this video)


    (0 reviews)




    BFA Bee Mount, usable as a flying mount. 3.3.5a wotlk retro port.


    (2 reviews)



  24. ModIt

    "ModIt is a modified ModelViewer which allows you to edit various parts of the Model"
    Original post : (links are dead)
    Note : I haven't really tested it and I doubt it works well for editing, but it is very useful to display model attachements and bones over a classic model viewer.


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  25. Amaroth's WMOListFile.exe - Fixed by SquireTester

    As the title says, I am uploading a fixed version of Amaroth's original tool (WMOListfile.exe) that was fixed by Squire Tester. 
    Any normal user of this program will know that it wasn't perfect, and in most scenarios every listfile generated needed a little "helping hand". Things like certain characters in the generated strings (spaces, underscores, dashes, etc) would cause certain texture or model paths to break, leaving you to fix them manually (quite a laborious task when porting in bulk).
    This version should have all the known issues fixed.
    The only difference between the original and the fixed version is that the latter has further dependencies needed to run it. The tool now also deletes the tmp.txt that is generated, so the .bat included with the tool has also been adjusted accordingly.
    A massive thanks to both Amaroth for the original tool, and Tester for fixing the really annoying day to day problems it had.
    Note: Tester asked me to release this, as after fixing the tool - he was too lazy/bored to write a post about it. Pogchamp
    Take care, and happy retroporting.


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