Client Patches

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45 files

  1. Cata Water for Wrath of the Lich King

    Basically the same pseudo water I had uploaded on Modcraft long ago. But this is an updated version with fixes for WMO water, textures for other liquids, and an improved water reflection map that uses 30 different custom made blp files that animate like a gif. If you have issues, make sure your client is named Wow.exe.


    (4 reviews)



  2. Shadow Storm Unfinished Patch (3.3.5. Abandoned project)

    Shadow Storm stopped being developed around 2 years ago and it's really about time for us to share some of the unfinished works we did.

    This patch contains maps that were never finalized, if you want to use them you'll also need to work them directly.
    I would have loved to finish the work myself, but I have many other things to do and it's simply not worth my time anymore.

    In this patch you'll find :

    - Dalkannes Isles
    (Southern & Middle parts of the area are not finished. I would advise you to use BFA zandalari assets for it)
    - A basic design for Azjol'Nerub
    - Some random works on Elwynn forest, with a start of a HD version and a destroyed Northshire
    - And many smaller things we put in this patch.

    Just take anything you need from it, I didn't checked what was useful or not.


    (4 reviews)



  3. Shadowlands Login Screen for 3.3.5

    Saw it pop up on wowhead and wanted it. Thought i'd share it with the community.


    (5 reviews)



  4. [Patches] Cata till MoP

    [Patch] Cata till MoP
    To help other or newbies in the community, i will share my patches whi i collected over moths and years in the community, Prefer to use at Noggit or Modelviewer. You can also find Maps, titlesets, textures ect.  Please say it is something missing.

    Warning/Note: I check up, that nothing is broking. Short: I sorted broken files out. I know, most of the Azeroth special MoP-wmo's are missing, for example the Hobbit-like-hoods! =)

    Link 1: !h64voaMrlnR1_KwRWIv-dihPcVZjvM29uJH2sDhDMXc
    Link 2: !XyNp7SbJ8f817aQwp4uMw6De_o3Q_f8EapMESRwtv34
    Link 3: !82Q_EsfEnRjFgRI66f31bA2o5Pv_iC1JcABuBkIhOnY
    Link 4: !BRPcuAqbodZ4Xqw7nhbp58JCkkqC_p-GptNUPuCNolc


    (0 reviews)



  5. Sun Light alpha wow

    Bonsoir j'ai le plaisir de partager mon patch qui contient une seule texture pour avoir un vrais éclairage sur ce soleil puisque après avoir vu le trailer
    de wow  2001 je me posait trop de question comment un soleil aussi magnifique peut t'il être aussi ridicule et moche sur wotlk je pensait c'était au moteur graphique
    mais non ça fait plus réaliste et c'est agréable pour faire du vrais roleplay ainsi que jouer
    Parcontre je suis pas sûr 100% que ça fonctionne à l'outreterre & Norfendre


    ALPHA WOW ❤️
    J'ai retirer les nuages pour voir le détaille

    Bientôt la lune peut être



    (0 reviews)



  6. Darker Nights Cata

    My darker nights patch  Works well for WotLK as well. 


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  7. Dragon Isles - Map Release

    Dragon Isles - custom made map, I release it to the public, as long as you give credit, you can make any use of it.
    The Isles are located north of Hearthglen, they are in fatigue zone, so be careful.
    If you want to see what the map looks like, go to the gallery section, there are some screenshots of it. 
    Update 28. 12. 2019: Fixed edge like holes.
    Update 2. 7. 2020: Skybox added, see the photos below.


    (1 review)



  8. SirFranc's Chronicles of Azeroth Stromgarde

    I found it in my old computer, I don't really know what it contains but I'm sure it was made by SirFranc AND Stromgarde is in it, I'm 100% sure.
    This patch is useless for me and I know Sirfranc allowed this share, so I give it to you, maybe you'll find some interesting things


    (3 reviews)



  9. Blood Mod (for WotLK and Cata) V3

    This mod adds bloodier combat effects to the game and includes some blood splats similar to those removed during the classic beta.
    WotLK - Cata
    (Old version)
    -Fixed crashes.
    -Violence level is now always 2 and cannot be disabled or changed.
    -Added purple blood (id 5).
    IMPORTANT: to make it work correctly go to video settings and turn "projected textures" on. Also, set the "Particle Density" to High and set the Texture Filtering to High to avoid visual glitches.
    If you are using V2, make sure your violence level is set to 2. In-game, type:
    /console violenceLevel 2 Known bugs:
    -If you zoom in to first person view, you won't be able to see the blood splats from your character.
    -If a character morphs into another model, all the blood splats from that character will disappear.
    -The blood splats change color if your character changes color (curses, venom, etc.).
    -The blood splats scale changes if the scale of your character changes.
    -Blood effects do not show if you one-hit kill the target. It's hardcoded into the client and can't be changed as far as I know (happens with the default blood as well).
    -It's not possible to use this mod in MoP since the game cleans all blood splats each time your character is hit or dies.
    Note: The splats on the ground disappear after 45 seconds. You can change it by editing the particle lifespan in 010editor.
    If you think there are too many blood splats to the point they overlap or affects the performance, just change the default particle emissionrate (12) to 7 or less with 010editor.
    Blood color is set in CreatureModelData.dbc, column 6 (1 = red, 2 = green, 3 = black, 4 = blue, 5 = purple).


    (0 reviews)



  10. WoD-like fire particles for WotLK

    Basically, multitexturing combines the alpha channel of two different textures, creating more variety in the particles and making it more realistic. It was introduced in Cataclysm but widely used since WoD for fire effects.

    Usually, the textures used for particles in WoD are:
    I tried to emulate this multitexturing effect in WotLK by combining both textures with Photoshop and increasing the rows and columns to give it more variety (since we can't animate the particle texture in Wotlk, each block has a different texture position). The result is quite decent. I would say it's 80% accurate because some features, like combining blend and additive blendingtypes on the same particle are not available in WotLK.
    I made two texture versions: one with 16 blocks and another with 64 (more realistic). There is also a test model included.
    External link:


    (0 reviews)



  11. LoginTweaks (WotLK)


    Hello there! My name is Marotheit, and today I wanted to share my login screen tweaks for Wrath of the Lich King. This compilation of tweaks removes a lot of the extra clutter and adds a convenient "Remember Password" button to your login screen. The "Manage Account" and "Community Site" buttons, as well as the forgotten password text have been edited to redirect to ChromieCraft portals, because that's the server I personally play on, although this can easily be edited with an MPQ editor to fit your situation.

    It is available in two flavors: Default and ElvUI Themed.

    The default package only contains patch-7.MPQ and two edited WoW executables; both allow interface edits, while the x64 executable also has Large Address Aware applied for ease of use. One of these executables must be used or you are unable to edit the login screen. The ElvUI Themed package also includes an installation of ElvUI-Glues-WotLK.

    This patch is compatible with other patches that change the login screen background. I can only guarantee compatibility with Wrath of the Lich King 3.3.5a (12340). It may work on older versions of Wrath of the Lich King, but I haven't tested any of them out.

    Shoutout to Reznik for the original inspiration of the project. The remember password feature is largely based on his original work.


    (0 reviews)



  12. Custom Login Screen for Mists of Pandaria

    One of the old login screens I made for version 5.4.8 of Mists of Pandaria. This does not support models. It will add a new background, new music, and it will bring back the old Human and Tauren backgrounds.
    And uh... WARNING If you don't remove the GlueXML check from your exe, this will destroy your client. As such I have included my own custom exe which includes GlueXML removal, connection patch, and mods. 
    I recommend deleting the original Wow.exe so you'll never accidentally click on it. I'm serious! 
    Also, you might notice there's an annoying Login Successful pop-up when logging out of the game and returning to the character selection screen. I never found out how to fix this, sorry. 
    This patch was created by utilizing code from VX2's AShell for the early versions of Cataclysm.


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  13. WoW Machinima Tool 2.6 Created by Malu05 -fixed crash by Alastor

    Hello there 
    So I got a bit bored while working with WoW Machinima Tool 2.5 done by amazing Malu05 bcuz this tool is flipin damn helpful for doing various stuff but last version that Maul did was 2.5 which is crashing whenever you press any number on Numberic Keyboard (think the only exception was NumKey09) 
    Well I picked up his code where he left it and fixed that issue so it does not crash anymore yay !
    aim all creds to Maul that tool had like 15k lines of code i fixed around 20 lines only to make it working again
    Have a fun 


    (2 reviews)



  14. wotlk WoW 3.3.5 Patcher (Custom Item Fix)

    WoW Patcher

    This treat is for people who like to make custom items for 3.3.5.
    So I stumbled upon this reddit thread Reddit - [2.4.3] Patched Executable - Override item.dbc (Question Mark Icon fix)  and figured if this was possible for 3.3.5 too.
    Well, 3.3.5 is quite different and it wasn't as simple as that, but after some tinkering I could made it work.
    When you patch your wow.exe with this, you don't need to make MPQ patches or edit the item.dbc at all.
    Just add the custom items you want to the "item_template" table in your SQL database and you're good to go.
    There are eight fields in Item.dbc: itemID, ItemClass, ItemSubClass, sound_override_subclassid, MaterialID, ItemDisplayInfo, InventorySlotID , SheathID
    And they all should work with the exception of Material. AFAIK it only affects which sound an item makes when moving it around in your inventory. So currently custom items won't have that sound. If anyone has expertise in reverse-engineering and can help me find the correct spot(s) for it, please PM me.
    I did some preliminary testing and everything has worked so far. But it still needs some more testing and I think it's 90-95% done. That's why I named it "Custom Item Fix (BETA) v1".
    I've tested this to work with the latest TrinityCore, but any core which supports custom items should work. If using TrinityCore make sure to set "DBC.EnforceItemAttributes = 0" in your worldserver.conf.
    If you find any bugs, post them and I will try hunting them down.
    TL;DR: Item.dbc patching is history
    Currently supported versions (r001): enUS
    Patcher supports Windows XP and newer. Currently it does not check whether you are on a 32-bit (x86) or a 64-bit (x64) system (forgot to do it, will include in r002) so if you are running a very old 32-bit system, do not use the "4GB RAM" patch. On the other hand, everyone on "new" (not from 20 years ago) systems should use "4GB RAM" patch.
    Patcher expects a clean and unmodified WoW.exe for it to work. This safeguard is in place so it can make sure the patch is applied correctly, as with binary patches it is absolutely necessary to have every byte in the right place to not have undefined behaviour or crashes. If you run into "invalid or corrupt wow.exe" error, it means your exe is modified and you need to use a clean wow.exe. You can find checksums for the unmodified wow binaries here:
    The patcher was made mainly for this Custom Item Fix, but I decided to add some other popular patches for a clean all-in-one solution.
    "4GB RAM" - sets the "Large Address Aware" /LAA flag to allow a 32-bit WoW.exe to use 4GB of RAM instead of 2GB in 64-bit machines (More Info) "Allow Interface Edits" - allows editing interface files like the login screen "Cast Bar Fix" - shows cast bars on default nameplates "Disable Cache" - disables saving WDB cache  
    @BenjaminLSR and @rajkosto at the Rochenoire team for the original TBC version of the patch and with it pointing me to the right direction on where to start.
    Original creators of the "Allow Interface Edits" and "Cast Bar Fix" patches, whoever they are.
    Github Issue tracker:


    (0 reviews)



  15. Diablo 3-like wings

    This mod is basically for my blend mode overrides tutorial. Includes 11 wings.
    I used some modified textures from Diablo 3 and Heroes of the Storm. The geometry is 10 bent planes with some basic rotation.
    To make it work in-game you have to create a custom spell and attach the wing model to the back of your character (attachment 12), as you do with belt buckles.
    If you want to increase or reduce the beam density, play with the "TexLookupTable" in 010editor:

    -For Wrath of the Lich King
    -For Cata, Mop and Wod
    *Fixed crashes.


    (3 reviews)



  16. Mounts, druid and other

    It replaces mounts
    replaces form druid
    It replaces effects Gogel Mogel and mysterious goodies



    (0 reviews)



  17. Sir Franc's CoA

    Sir Franc's Chronicles of Azeroth.
    I Definitely won't do anything with these files so I am releasing them in hopes someone will.
    Keep modding alive and someone make a good RP server again!
    Happy New Year, Enjoy


    (1 review)



  18. Mathias' Fall of Arathor Patch

    Given Arathor's phase of the project finished and I no longer have the need to hold onto this patch, I'm releasing it out here.
    I'm fine with anyone using the resources from it for their own projects so long as I'm properly credited for the work I poured into it.
    The patch itself is a wee bit rushed and clunky (eg. custom items aren't new items but replaced unused items and other similar quirks), but it works.
    You can find a handful of screenshots in this project entry, can easily get more ingame or in noggit.


    (2 reviews)



  19. The Exploration Museum

    If you have the knowledge and experience, access to genuine clients remember that it's always best to explore on the proper builds, this release is purely for convenience.
    Downporting is not a 1-to-1 thing, a lot of rendering functionality is absent compared to the later expansions, upported assets were generated with outdated/unfinished tools etc.
    Welcome to the museum!
    This release is in part a culmination of several months of work on restoring the original Development Land, as well as a collection of developer,
    prototype, unreleased, secret maps and assets from the earliest 0.5.3 Alpha to 9.2.5 Shadowlands that I have accumulated.
    All necessary assets are downported to 3.3.5.
    The museum is showcased in a video of mine Prototypes Unseen and Forgotten.
    Also enjoy a little preview of the exhibits made by Dovah.
    Link to the museum on MEGA.
    Now has alternative google drive links for the main assets patch.
    1. Development Land.
    A map that is beloved by the exploration community, considered by some to be one of the coolest maps to ever exist, with an interesting story behind it. Originally leaked in a Cata PTR in 2011 and then quickly deleted, only a handful of broken parts of it were gathered. The map was later revealed and released by MoD on Ownedcore. The map that we got was broken, some zones were missing terrain, _obj, _tex files or usually all 3 of them. Over the years people tried to get around this in a few ways in order to explore it, but the map was still broken. I had an idea of recreating terrain for it from the heightmap stored in the WDL file, with the help of schlumpf that was achieved. Thanks to him as well, textures were somewhat restored with an image to vertex tool using the cata minimap as a source. This is a custom fix, by no means it comes close to the original that we never got, it is still broken, but this is the best we have now.
    2. Misc developer maps.
    LevelDesignLand-DevOnly - one of the WoD developer maps, around 50 early garrison variations, unreleased arenas, bgs, locations, wod intro prototypes, it has it all.
    Propland-DevOnly another WoD map, housing a copy of Shadowmoon Burial Grounds, with the way m2s render inside a wmo it's best explored in noggit or another external renderer.
    Expansion5QAModelMap houses a big chunk of assets built for WoD, also early graybox wmos for the moving parts of Grimrail Depot can be found here.
    2168 - BfA level design map, houses 4 prototype parts of Kultiras.
    3. Scenarios and Island prototypes.
    AkazamarakHatScenario - unreleased scenario, not very interesting on 3.3.5 since it's missing the npc and gameobjects, but fully functional on live (cred. Dovah).
    IllidansRock - a map where you were supposed to interact with Illidan while he was jailed in Legion.
    TheMawofNashal, AssassinsScenarioDRU, DKMountScenario, WarfrontsDarkshoreAlliance, GorgrondOrcs all early/unreleased versions of different scenarios, featuring placeholder or alpha models.
    8BoostExperienceHorde - a prototype for a boost location, which is itself an early version of Seething Shore, in Shadowlands Blizzard decided to reuse the map and added an untextured Northrend with a blockout of ICC.
    Artifact-Warrior Fury Acquisition - a unreleased version of early Helheim.
    AcquisitionHavoc - this map has unreferenced tiles with what looks like pre-alpha parts of Suramar planing. unused - not much is known about this map.
    TanaanLegionTest - an early version of Tanaan Jungle.
    Warlockarea - a map that later became the warlock orderhall during Legion, this is its early prototype from MoP.
    ThePurgeOfGrommarScenario - a cut scenario from WoD.
    Artifact-PortalWorldAcqusition is an early version of the scenario by the same name, though the scenery in this one is drastically different due to some assets that were cut down the line. 
    Islands_7VR_Swamp_Prototype2, Islands888 Josh, Islands666 Katalina, Islands9 Sinkhole, Islands420 Wonderland, Islands803 Mesa, Islands805 Cursed are unreleased prototypes of island expeditions, they vary in the level of polish, but undoubtedly strong contenders for the coolest unreleased maps.
    HearhstoneTavern - an unreleased scenario that first appeared in game files in BFA, regarded by some as the most detailed interior in wow.
    4. Dungeons, Raids, BGs, Arenas.
    AbyssalMaw - a well known unreleased dungeon from Cata, this particular version is raised above the deathline.
    Legion Dungeon - also a well known unreleased dungeon.
    DungeonBlockout - prototype Arcway, made of versatile "lego" m2 blocks.
    SnakeCave - one of the first versions of Temple of Sethraliss, though with a very different layout.
    PirateTownDungeon - early Freehold with an interesting top part added to it, the unreferenced tile to the top left is also of interest.
    DevMapG - the Motherlode, also has some unreferenced tiles.
    MechagnomeIsland - early Mechagon prototype.
    Argus 1 - early Argus, has several technical prototypes for the locations and the raid.
    Nagadungeon - the top unreferenced tile is an early Eye of Azshara.
    DefenseOfTheAleHouseBG - the unreleased Dota BG.
    WarcraftHeroes - another BG we didn't get to see.
    SmallBattlegroundA - a collection of prototype arenas from WoD.
    SilithusBG - Seething Strand, a version of the azerite bg but located in Silithus, never released.
    AzeriteBG1 - early Seething Shore BG.
    ValsharahArena - early versions of the arena housed in unreferenced tiles.
    TheGreatWall and EastTemple are early versions of Gate of the Setting Sun and Temple of the Jade Serpent which have some pre-alpha tiles from MOP development.
    Argus_Rifts and early version of invasions, most of these are now unreferenced in game files, what appears to be  a part of early Vol'dun can also be found here.
    UnderrotDungeon - very early underrot, still with design and planning markings.
    AITestMap8 is a modified version of the Arathi Basin with ships as starting point, most points of interest on the map are swapped to small cave wmos.
    Firelands1 - it's hard to pinpoint a particular patch or time-frame for this, but this was acquired by combining partial 4.0.0 Firelands with incremental PTR patches, the result is an early mock-up version of the retail Firelands raid, massive thank you to Marlamin and RIdPEF for their archives.
    Abandonedmines appears to be an unreleased expedition set in a mining town.
    Robodrome - layout prototypes for the retail arena.
    9devland2 houses one of six wmos that were spotted on that map during the 2019 design panel at Blizzcon.
    Nzoth - prototype Nazjatar that was shipped by mistake in 8.3.0, compared to the retail version there's an additional part of the zone present - Nzoth himself.
    GMdungeon2 is an unofficial name for a dev/gm wmo that houses a few testing areas.
    ExteriorTest - originally a developer map with some terrain work, the version here adds some of the unused wmos and m2s from the gamefiles (raid/dungeon blockouts, greyboxes etc.).
    ScarletSanctuaryArmoryAndLibrary - an early version of the updated scarlet monastery from MoP Beta that has what seems to be a layout/draft of Pandaria.
    MantisDungeon, MantisRaid - early prototypes of Siege of Niuzao and Heart of Fear.
    OrgrimmarRaid - the earliest public PTR version of the raid.
    Nazjatar - a piece of the first version of the map with a level design kit that was used for promotional materials during Blizzcon.
    Torghast - the earliest version of the torghast map with many modular prototypes.
    5. Earliest Contintents.
    0.5.3 Eastern Kingdoms, Kalimdor and some alpha wmos have been added. Terrain files for 0.5.5 Kalimdor. 2.0.0 Outland and 3.0.1 Northrend with their respective wmos are also now present, 4.0.0 Eastern Kingdoms, Kalimdor, Deepholm, 6.0.1 Draenor and 8.0.1 KulTiras.
    6. Through the Years.
    This section has a selection of early maps throughout their development, every version (available to me) that had meaningful changes is included. As of now there are: Ahn'Kahet, Alterac Valley, Arathi Basin, Azshara Crater, Black Temple, Emerald Dream, Kalidar, Old Outland, Onyxia's Lair, Plains of Snow, Ulduar, ICC, Violet Hold and Zul'Aman.
    7. Extra.
    A single patch with the earliest WMOs from 2.0.0, 3.0.1, 4.0.0, 5.0.1, 6.0.1, 7.0.1, 8.0.1.
    Three 8.3 Epsilon patches with AbandonedMines, Nazjatar (level design kit), Nzoth.
    Please take a look at the instructions file inside the museum. Every patch has coordinates and links to their minimaps on If you have any questions, problems you can message me on discord (implave#7038), if you want to post some screenshots, feel free to do that in the Exploration Discord.
    Special thanks
    A massive thank you to Schlumpf for writing the wdl -> adt tool, modifying paintwow, making the filedata adt converter, his work on noggit, helping me along the way. Thank you to Marlamin for his work on, help, archives and in general being awesome. Thank you to Dovah, Nyarly, Fean and others for helping me test/acquire files for this release. Thank you to Ayahne for his time and conversions of post-8.3 wmos. Thank you to Reznik for providing a worldmap for the development and his wiki. Thank you to MoD for releasing the files for the development way back when. Thank you to Adspartan, Barncasle, Gamh, Mjolna for their tools, archives. Thank you to the exploration community in general for inspiration.
    Take it slow, enjoy, have fun and happy exploring!


    (1 review)



  20. GameObjects Patch for Warlords of Draenor

    This patch allows you to spawn almost every wmo and m2 existing in the Warlords of Draenor 6.2.3 client as a GameObject on your server. It requires both client and serverside modification. Read the readme file. 
    If you're not using TrinityCore then you might need to inspect the SQL file and make sure it works for you. To answer whether or not this can be used on earlier versions of WoD: I have no idea.


    (1 review)



  21. Amaroth's Gobject Patch

    Hello there little whelps,

    I used to use patch made by one guy from Ownedcore which included all M2s and WMOs existing in WoW turned into spawnable gameobjects. That means that you can simply search for model name in game and you will always find gob you can spawn. Its just great thing for gob spammers, I know, but problem is that patch from Ownedcore is just horrible in my opinion. It contains a LOT of completely unneeded objects and displayIDs and also is full of displayIDs with messed up bounding boxes (all copied from one blizzlike one), which leads into gobs lootable from 50yd distances an another funny results.

    So I made my own patch. Here is MPQ patch, DBC file and SQL dump (for TrinityCore2 revisions after WDBVerified column was renamed to VerifiedBuild). I tryed to make this completely noob-friendly so if you want to use this patch, you don't need to know anything about MPQ patches or DBC files, you just need to know the very basics of running TrinityCore2 server. READ README file. You will find how-to guide there. All gobs with custom displayIDs have [AmPatch] placed behind their postfixes and have entrys 410000 and higher. Their displayIDs are 10000 and higher, meaning that every gob has displayID=entry-400000. Good for searching for displayIDs.

    Version 1 - light pack
    This version contains all M2s and WMOs from World and Spell folders as spawnable gameobjects. Others were excluded, because majority of them just can't be used as gobs (they have no hardcoded textures for example - they are white completely ingame).

    Version 2 - full pack
    This pack contains really ALL M2s, even character, item, creature... And its needless to say that most of such things are completely useless as gobs. But someone still may preffer this version.
    If you want to create your own gob patch, you may use my tool I've released. It doesn't give you possibility to filter which gobs you can use, but it works. You will want to use this tool if you are retro-porting models or creating custom ones (in general, if you want to have gobs made of models which are not in blizzlike WotLK client).


    (1 review)



  22. Turalyon, Alleria to Wotlk

    Turalyon, Alleria from Legion 7.3 to wotlk.
    Turalyon = King Varian Wrynn
    Alleria = Alexstrasza
    Enjoy =D


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  23. Whimsyshire Cloud Mount

    I made this model to test how different materials and particles interacted with each other. The result was not optimal and I couldn't add all the effects I wanted due to WoW's old rendering engine. Instead of deleting it I decided to release it because it's playable, nonetheless (despite of some renderflag bugs).
    Includes icons and 4 skin variations.
    ¿How can I make my character sit while mounted?
    -[In WotLK] Spell.dbc column 132 -> SpellVisual.dbc column 5 -> SpellVisualKit.dbc column 3 = animation played (97 = SitGround).
    -Fixed camera.
    -Fixed ribbon movement.
    -Fixed fly animation.
    -Fixed camera movement.
    External link:
    -For Wrath of the Lich King
    -For Cata, Mop and Wod


    (1 review)



  24. Battleground Patch

    I merged a few different BG layouts together for everyone who no longer enjoys the old look of BG. This patch is for 3.x.x and full info about patch you can find there -


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  25. AFTERFALL files !

    Afterfall was under construction since 2012 but in 2013 team was disbanded and project was stucked so i'm releasing now all files free to use as you like


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