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  2. I use noggit red to Export a ADT`s heightmap,and then I Import this height map to a new blank ADT,but it`s looks like minecraft,can anybody help me?
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  4. WOOPS-020.FULL.LUA Woops! You died!!! Lootable players for TC / AzerothCore. In LUA! This script allows the server to spawn a custom game object with a generic loot template, and then dynamically replaces that loot with specific dropped items when a player interacts with the object via the OnLoot function. At this point the existing loot is cleared from the lua table and the specific dropped items from the player who died are awarded up to the limit of the recipient's bag space. When the server restarts the crates and data are lost. Please note you will have to remove references to "hardCoreItem" in the code or add an item that you do NOT want removed from player eg. hearthstone? local hardCoreItem = ??? A custom game object for the crate, and custom items for stacks of gold coin and the hardcore item LL uses are also required. The sql for all these is included in the source, below. Credits are owed to the creator of the "Randomly Attacked" script, which we incorporate to create some random mob spawns for toons that are too greedy! woops-020.lua
  5. HELLO This script is a WiP, a barely working framework. While it makes no changes to your core database (adds a new db) always back up before!!! Setup: DB / LUA 1. Import sql following into your DB. It will create "crossrealm" a new db. This needs replication set up to communicate with our Primary Server, but not for local use. 2. Add the LUA file to your Eluna scripts folder. 3. No database replication is required if your realms are local and fairly compatible - all cores use the same db. With the right settings in the script and db you should now be able to chat across your realms. Nice. crosscore.sql LitchLight.010.lua
    As a semi-beginner it was a little tricky to setup. But I got it working, this is very well made and gives for a lot of customization options. Thank you so much for the share
  6. Most of the item enchantments are done in the DBC you probably want to look into that instead.
  7. A small pet project for a server of mine, included in this pack is a collection of 15 different custom Touhou models rigged for WoW that I worked on over several months. They use a mixture of human female, blood elf female, pet and boss skeletons. Some pictures below! Please note - this contains ONLY the model files. You'll need to implement these into your DBC yourself! More pictures:
  8. Has anyone made a homemade weapon with enchantment bits? I used this OBJtoM2.exe to generate the M2 file, then used 010edit to add struct Attachments, AttachmentsLookUp_5, and then modified the addresses of these two parameters, but it did not work.
  9. Yes that's exactly what I had in mind. My best shot would be to wait till someone made it possible, because I can't even start my pc without a youtube tutorial..
  10. MKBHD discusses multimodal AI, where instead of receiving text it can take things like images and work with that. Kind of flips the entire approach, actually. Maybe you'll actually see this become a feature in time
  11. Brainstorm! ChatGPT is like a server taking only the text we give it and only popping text out. How do we turn that into a map? We need to break down ADT data into sensible terms. Take an ADT file and find a way to say "this is where this texture is" etc, etc. Someone with more knowledge about Noggit and ADTs might already know what the inside of an ADT file looks like (I don't). Then we would take the individual data set of ONE ADT and pass it to ChatGPT. That's gotta be A LOT of text. Then ChatGPT gets the data but it needs to pop out results we are looking for. ChatGPT, please make Goldshire. It needs human houses, texture paths, ground effects, and you could probably even plug in lighting. On top of that it needs to adjust the height of all the polygons that make up the shapes of terrain, and in a sensible manner too, so that roads and curved terrain could accurately be made. So if we manage to pass all of that information to ChatGPT, it then needs to pop out a result. We would have to ask it to confine its results to one similar of an ADT that its been passed before. Then we need "proof read" it because it's not like ChatGPT is 100% accurate - does the ADT it's giving us back even work in WoW? A big portion here would be troubleshooting the AI to actually give it the results you want. After alllllll that's done, just maybe, maybe you would have one working ADT with a tavern 300 miles in the sky and a gnome hut next to Orgrimmar. I like the concept a lot. It's possible. Just in a whole different realm of difficulties.
  12. Hi there, I stumbled upon the post by chance, which discusses NPCs generating their own text through ChatGPT and providing logical responses to player questions. Afterward, I wondered whether AI could now be used to create entire maps. The entire concept of modding, especially the sometimes tedious and repetitive work, could potentially be significantly shortened with the help of AI. After a brief internet search, I didn't come across anything that would directly answer my question. Is there already a possibility, and perhaps someone is working on it who is much smarter than I am and, above all, more knowledgeable? I would greatly appreciate responses.
  13. Can these weapons be enchanted? How can I add enchantments to custom weapons?
  14. I think now we are at an issue with some settings in the files. Can you reach me on discord or pm more?
  15. SingleCore rev. 2974e284a9bf+ 2017-05-07 16:27:22 +0200 (npcbots branch) (Win64, Release, Static) (worldserver-daemon) I got the file correctly working now but it's looping waiting for a response. I've (from what I understand) correctly set up openai. The server is looping waiting for a response without receiving one, creating an endless loop. Getting this error in my server console: python3: can't open file 'C:\\Users\\evilbobman\\Desktop\\Anything': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
  16. This one has me stumped. Can I ask what core you are using? edit: I maybe made a fix? Try it again.
  17. Got a new error now. Says " Scripts/GPT_NPCs.lua:115: bad argument #3 to 'RegisterEvent' (number expected, got no value)" So close to getting this working
  18. I believe the IsPlayer() method is in the AzerothCore only. My mistake, I did not believe that would be the case. A new fix is available if you download it again.
  19. Solved it. Found out that playercreateinfo wasn't updated at all. Thanks goes to the people on the discord channel.
  20. Hello and thank you for creating this. I've gotten every step set up correctly and the script properly loaded on my server. The issue I'm having is whenever I chat to an NPC I get an error on the server that says the following: GPT_NPCs.lua:73: attempt to call method 'IsPlayer' (a nil value) I don't know much at all about coding and tried google searching a way to fix this but cannot figure out how to do so. Do you have any input?
  21. Hey guys, so have this issue when I create new char. It seems for that char class, some of their base stats are higher than the normal ones for level 1. For example, in the screenshot if you see Agility, Stamina, Armour are not set for a level 1 character hunter. This appears only to the 2 new races that added on the DB. At the moment, I have updated the playercreateinfo table and the playercreateinfo_action table for those 2 races. All .dbc's are in place, server side and client side. Also, I get frequently error 132, and not sure why I crash. I added the crash log also if anyone can give some insight for that issue also. ERROR LOG: Thanks in advance
  22. Can confirm "I've changed the following files using WDBX:CharBaseInfo.db2 (added the new class/race combinations)CharStartOutfit.db2 (added male and female starting outfits)I also edited these tables in HeidiSQL:playercreateinfo (added starting point for new character)playercreateinfo_action (assigned starting spells to action bar)player_levelstats (added stats for level 1-110)" Is all you need. Make sure the .dbc files are client side so it will show you the ability to create the classes. If you don't know how to do this or are still interesting in doing this, I have information on how to do it.
  23. Version 0.0.3


    Made by Varen, updated by Marlamin. Varen's original Noggit Red fork can be hound here, Titi's grouping branch here, BinarySpace's modernized with wmo scaling here. Upd 14.01.42 New test version download here. WMO scaling, right click context menu, object grouping, palate saving, various fixes. Old download link: download here. This is a version of Noggit that supports post-mop Texture Scaling and Height-based Texturing (does not work on 3.3.5). Can be used to create maps for upporting to MOP/WOD/Legion/BFA/SL/DF or viewing downported modern maps. To use it unpack the Noggit archive and place the included extraData folder into your main NoggitRed project folder. Let's say your 3.3.5 maps are exported into D:/NoggitRed/projects/world/maps/, the extraData folder and the config inside should be in D:/NoggitRed/projects/extraData/global.cfg. Having fixed tilesets is required. The provided config has accurate texture data extracted from a 10.2 retail client, some unused tilesets have generic values. The check in the texturing tool for "only with specular" changed to "only with height textures". For importing texture data to Legion ADTs this tool can be used (just use the new config from extraData). For BFA-DF 010 editing is required (at the moment), using MTXP from the legion tool and adding MHID filedataids by hand. An enabled height texturing WDT flag (0x0080) is also needed. Potentially unstable with new bugs in addition to the ones in current red versions, no support guaranteed, remember to backup your maps.
  24. Version 1.0


    Ember's ChatGPT NPCs Allows players to have conversations with NPCs in World of Warcraft via in-game chat and communication. A player can simply walk up to any NPC, type a chat at it, and will receive results from OpenAI. Current Compatibility - Eluna TrinityCore 3.3.5 - Azerothcore Eluna Module 3.3.5 Requirements - Python3 - Pip Packages: `openai` via `pip install` - Easy Linux Command that installs the packages for you: `pip install openai` Installation Instructions - Clone this repository into your LUA scripts folder - In GPT_NPCs.lua, edit the following configuration values: - - `path_to_history = "lua_scripts/elunamod-GPT_NPCs/"` - Path to where conversation histories are stored. Should be the same as where these .lua and .py files are located. - - `PATH_TO_OPENAI_EVENT = "lua_script/elunamod-GPT_NPCs/"` - Path to where the python file is stored. - Create environment variable, "OPENAI_API_KEY", via your specific system instructions. - - Linux users : `export OPENAI_API_KEY='your_api_key'` - Copy and paste your specific OpenAI API key here. You can receive one from the OpenAI API website. Editing the Prompt If you'd like to edit the initial AI prompt that is received, open the file `GPT_NPCS.lua` and investigate the variable `content` in the `OnPlayerChat` function. Licensing This specific module is covered by the MIT License rules. Distribution and modification is entirely allowed. Please refer to its documentation below for more information. MIT License Copyright (c) 2023 Ember-RP Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Русский перевод - RU Translation for our Russian friends. traducción al español a continuación - Spanish translation below. It's the third most popular language in the world where speakers do not also know English.
    Thank you for sharing these. They are all high quality and can definitely be utilized for custom spells.
    Thank you for sharing this with the community!
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