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Found 11 results

  1. Hello Model-Changing, I've been in the World of Warcraft Emulation scene for nearly a decade, 8 years to be exact. In this time, I've learned so much including developments in Lua scripting, SQL/database management, User Interface designing, server hosting and how they all connect. After many circumstances, I believe I've gained the ability to problem-solve based on my analyses. I would like to offer my WoW Emulation services, including client & server-side Lua, XML, SQL/Database, DBC, Noggit and patch content development, to those who are interested. In return, I ask for compensation for my time and utility. I'm flexible with my cost and I'm open to negotiation. You may view my portfolio here: And feel free to contact me via private message or Discord at: Deathorous#4066 Thank you, Deathorous. The following is work that I've done for people who've reached out. I will update this thread with further screenshots, videos and content over time. (My portfolio includes a longer list of my past work) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ "Deathlands" Login Screen by Deathorous A 3D Login Screen for 3.3.5. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Heart of Azeroth UI by Deathorous A user interface that unlocks new spell slots to activate for players as they level and contains it's own points and rewards system. Heart of Azeroth "Info" tab. Provides information on the system and contains a unique level system that increases your Heart of Azeroth Level as you increase your Infernal Power points and reach the cap per level. Heart of Azeroth "Traits" tab. A system that allows the player to unlock spell activation slots as they level. Including 1 Major slot and 6 minor slots, you can drag spells from the right-side of the UI and place them into an available slot to activate the spell effects on your character. View full screen images here: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Obliterum Forge by Deathorous A replica of Obliterum Forge from retail on 3.3.5. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ New Playable Races by Deathorous Added more playable race options on 3.3.5. View full screen images here:
  2. Version 3.0.0-beta.1


    Keira3 Cross-platform desktop application featuring a Database Editor for the AzerothCore MMORPG framework. With Keira3 you don't have to know the SQL language in order to change contents: it will generate the SQL queries automatically for you. The SQL code will be displayed, so you can learn, and then you can copy or execute it directly to your database. Made with ❤ and TypeScript, Electron, Angular, Bootstrap.
  3. Hello guys, I would like to change the model from to but I don't have I idea how. I don't need something special, just want my druid to be a cool looking tree of life. Would be amazing if someone could help me with that. Thanks a lot JohnnyCrit
  4. Hey, friends! Right now I'm working on new custom hairstyles! Which you can use in your personal project! The hairstyles will soon be available to download! Read more here
  5. Hi there I am wanna say first that I am very sorry if I happen to post in the wrong section but to my eyes this seem like the right way. I have currently tried a few editing thru out wow history. XVI32 . First model program I ever used. Now adays I want to change the new model of Undead Male HD back to SD model. I have now seen a lot of guides how to use Blender as this seemed to me like the method to do this. But yet so many questions remain. Can Anyone help me in this case? I do really only wish to see the old Undead Male character back in the game so that I can enjoy wow like I used to. If anyone happen to lay in with the file or so to say information I would very much appreciate your assistance. Have a great day. :-) OBS: We r talking live client Legion 7.3 I do not like the new character models.
  6. Figured I would make my own thread on this as I will be adding to it quite frequently so first I will explain what I am doing. I am porting the models and textures and such over to ue4 to do wow machinima (and to also learn the UE4 engine and how it works). So far it is very barebones but I have a short video showing what I have done so far on a test map. Also showing and keeping a journal of sort I guess you could say on this forum and thread. If you happen to notice anything feedback is and always will be welcomed. Now to the video, it is a short video but, there really is a TON of work behind what you are seeing in this video (at least it is for me as I am learning as I am going.) I give a short run around on a vehicle showing some of the foliage and texturing at this point, next video I will show off some of the characters, buildings and animations. The main thing I am proud of in this is that the texturing and landscape sculpting is all in a blueprint I created in the Unreal Engine. As you can see, it automatically paints the textures I have chosen based on the angle of the slope in the landscape. As an added bonus I set it up to apply the foliage to just the grass textures. I have applied any of the normal maps or anything to the textures yet (cause I have to make them first) so it isn't to detailed atm, but still not a bad start. Except for the water, and sky atm, everything you see in the video is textures and models from wow. Enjoy =D
  7. Hello! I'm sorry if this is obvious to some or that this has a easy fix. I have never worked with .wmo files and when I try to convert them they become green. I have checked all textures and that don't seems to be the problem. Can it be ParticleColor or something like that?
  8. The game actually has a model for the Warcraft 3 era Pre-TFT Steam Tank in the Vanilla Dwarf character creation screen. There is a ruined one in the game. but the only intact one is in the character creation screen. I'd be really thankful if someone could rip this out of the character creation model, and turn it into a standard doodad for 3.3.5.
  9. Version 1.0.0


    Hello, i crack the Lua & XML protraction in 6.2.4:21355 32bit. Have fun with it.
  10. This is frustrating as all hell! There are so few vanilla / classic / 1.12.1 WoW Modding tutorials and tools that actually work and are not 'link-dead' in the first place. I have found scores and scores of tools for 3.3.5 and up but ~95% of them all crash and or corrupt vanilla files! I can't find enough of the damned vanilla tools to do anything but add small changes -AHH!! I want to do do big changes and modifications that are not non-player character clones or item display dupes with small changes and other small scale modifications! I have had to 'mickey mouse' / non-orthodoxically combine so many half-working tools together in order to get something that works that I am surprised that any people mod vanilla at all :-(. Does anyone know where the vanilla compatible tools are that actually work? Is there a forum or a website or place -somewhere- that has vanilla tools and methods and tutorials that are compatible with vanilla's quirks and iterations? If I can somehow get enough damned tools to work for vanilla for big scale modding work I could make a big 'Vanilla Tools that Work and How to Use Them' Page so that vanilla modders could have a resource hub to 'build' from and could stop pulling their hair out trying to make non-vanilla compatible 3.3.5a tools and tutorials work for their vanilla 1.12.1 projects!
  11. Hello members of the Model Changing community. I have come here to make a request from you highly experienced modders. Specifically, I am making a mod in the game Skyrim based on Naxxramas in World of Warcraft. I uploaded a youtube video if you want to see how it looks so far: Now while I am making some decent progress, what I would really like to do is get the models from WoW into Skyrim. I have already exported a lot of files from the WoW model viewer but there are some that I can't like the Necromancer model (because the model viewer crashes when I try to export it), and the drapes and giant skulls that hang from the walls inside Naxxramas. I've looked all through the files and those do not seem to be in there. Furthermore I need to know how to actually import WoW models into Blender then from Blender into Skyrim's Creation Kit. I don't know if this is the right place to ask since this place seems to deal mostly with WoW modding, but I really need to know how to do this and I already asked pretty much everywhere else. Anyway if someone could teach me how to do it or even better make a resource pack I would be very grateful.