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Found 2 results

  1. Hey! That language barrier hit me hard when I tried to edit Vehicle.dbc. Could anyone explain what each of those fields does?
  2. Hey! This is a continuation of the following topic (omg he chose over modcraft omg omg what a cunt lets start raging). The summarising conclusion of that topic: When the vehicle npc stops moving, it has to create an invisible collision gobject right in itself. When it starts moving/turning, it should delete the gobject.For spawning, action_type = 50, target_type = 1. Event_type possibly 28 or 43.For despawning, action_type = 41, target_type presumaby 12. Event_type possibly 34.It is possible to copy collision from an .m2 using the script in this tutorial by Skarn, but I also need to somehow create collision from wmo's (because that's what most ships are). As Skarn told me, it's not possible to do that straight away. Maybe I could convert wmos to m2s?kojac488 knows everythingI'll be thankful for any kind of help.