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Found 2 results

  1. Daethas


    Right, so. As I am typing this out, I've been working on downporting one of the 7.3 t21 DK sets - the blue one, in particular. This is my progress thus far. I should make clear, I have already tried running the .blp through a BLP 2 PNG converter, re-converted it from png to blp, and it still came up with transparency issues. PTR Equivalent Compared to that, the set's also incredibly blank - particles are something I also need tremendous assistance on. If anyone has any idea how I might be able to acquire those, once more your aid would be LOVED. Thank you!
  2. Right, so. As I am typing this out, I've been working on downporting one of the 7.3 t21 DK sets - the blue one, in particular. This is my progress thus far. Looking a bit plain, isn't it? As it stands, though I'm half-capable of downporting models, I do find myself having difficulties with finding geosets! I have, unfortunately, absolutely no clue on how to find those, any help would be appreciated. I should make clear, I have already tried running the .blp through a BLP 2 PNG converter, re-converted it from png to blp, and it still came up with transparency issues. PTR Equivalent Compared to that, the set's also incredibly blank - particles are something I also need tremendous assistance on. If anyone has any idea how I might be able to acquire those, once more your aid would be LOVED. Thank you!