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Found 4 results

  1. Version 1.0.0


    This is an attempt at fixing the broken filenames for post-filedataid tilesets. Download link: download here. - proper _h and _s naming for specular and height textures - fixed names for filename-based tools - texture resolution is added to the names - added unused tilesets from unknown blps - named a bunch of previously unnamed stuff P.S. If you are using this for upports get the latest listfile or download this archived one that was used for the CASC export. Some mistakes might've gotten through the cracks. Please remember that you can always contribute to fixing things with the listfile cleanup.
  2. Version 1.0.0


    It was born out of a desire for change after yet another day of RP in the far too well known and universal regions of the Kingdom of Stormwind. Since it seems to be a compulsory passage from the nerve center of the roleplay Alliance, as much as this area benefits from an update in terms of textures as well as objects. FR : Currently, there are two versions of this desire for change : FR : Stormwind Come Deliverance v.0.1 Elwynn : Stormwind : Kingdom of Stormwind HD Reworked v.0.1 Elwynn : Stormwind : These two patches from the same heart which is not only a retexturing of the Elwynn Forest, but they also change the models of trees and plants, making everything more realistic (still in the WoW universe) and above all of a better quality. FR : From this base, the two versions were born. FR : A first taking up the basic idea of the vision of Blizzard Entertainment giving it a new life with so-called "HD" textures while the second is inspired by the vision of Warhorse Studios, more precisely their game Kingdom Come: Deliverance, offering textures ("HD" too) based on a realistic historical approach. FR : We therefore offer these two patches, giving players the choice of the vision they want to bring to their games (whether your game vision is realistic or fantastic). Please do not forget that the proposed patches are in their first phase (v.1). Thanks to your future returns; They will become much more complete! FR : Patchnote v.1.0.0 CDP Landscapes - New Stormwind City and its Forest of Elwynn.rar
  3. Version 0.1


    This are all the Tilesets that Wildstar(MADE BY NCSOFT/CARBINE STUDIOS) offer. CLUTTERS WIP coming in the next versions. Write me if you find any Texture Bugs: Follow my progress on : Wildstar-port progress Discord: AgeofHocKA#2112
  4. This is a video I made for someone on ownedcore by the handle jbr373 , The map I'm using is also his however it's upconverted to Cataclysm. In WoTLK you can disable specular lighting to avoid the bright green landscape when you don't have a specular map with your tiles. In Cataclysm and up you can't so You have to make them.