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Found 11 results

  1. Hello, can anyone help with making a cataclsym water patch for TBC 2.4.3? I already have a cataclysm water patch compatible with vanilla so would someone be able to port that into a TBC water patch? patch-5.MPQ
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Viridian Phase-Hunter - Possible New Warpstalker Mount from Burning Crusade Classic Promotion
  3. Version 0.5


    Code source is here: AdtTool project aims to provide a framework to easily creating tools manipulating Adt's. Currently only a few tools are created as examples. AllWater allows to create Ocean water as well. The tools should work with TLK but were not tested.
  4. Hello guys, I have some questions regarding an idea i have for a revamp of vanilla. It would be really awesome too incorporate Wotlk, and TBC, in its entirety in the vanilla formula. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Let me sketch how i would like too see this world: Everything is Downscaled to 60. Level 60 is the maximum level cap. 1) TBC lands and WoTLK lands are locked, and you need too unlock these by playing the 'endgame' of the previous expansion. -- In order to enter TBC content you need to have done every dungeon from the vanilla world, and completed the following raids : Lower Blackrock Spire Upper Blackrock Spire Zul'Gurub The ruins of Ahn'Qiraj Molten Core Blackwing Lair (the first 2 bosses of AQ40 minimum ?) -- In order to enter WotlK content you need to have done every dungeon (also heroic) from the TBC expansion, and completed the following raids : Karazhan. Gruul's Lair. Magtheridon's Lair. Serpentshrine Cavern. (The eye: Tempest keep 1st boss minimum ?) -- When entering WotlK, you must clear all dungeons (also heroic) to unlock the first raid instance. in order to unlock the next WotLK raid you need to have cleared content in the following order; Vault of Archavon. -> The Obsidian Sanctum. -> The Eye of Eternity. -> Ulduar. -> Trial of the Crusader. -> Onyxia's Lair. -> Icecrown Citadel. 2) TBC and WOTLK are all downscaled to 60 ==> TBC mobs are 60, but harder than those of Vanilla. (you would need atleast Pre raid BIS too even 'think' about solo'ing mobs in TBC) ==> WOTLK mobs are 60, but harder than those of TBC (TBC gear / Vanilla T2.5/T3 needed too even 'think' about solo'ing those mobs) --Also gear is Downscaled to 60. Vanilla endgame gear < TBC endgame gear < WotLK endgame gear. BUT there are exceptions: The 3 Endgame raids from all expansions (Vanilla -- TBC -- WoTLK) are kept as the true endgame raids. The loot rewards are similar in quality, with slight differences, the raid from the next expansion giving SLIGHT better loot, as it will be harder to obtain. Naxxramas < The Black Temple < Icecrown citadel. Kel'Thuzad, Illidian Stormrage and The Lich King will give same quality BIS loot. All the other raids (Like AQ40 full, Sunwell Plateau, Mount Hyjal,..) are meant for gearing up for the respectively next endgame raids. 3) Flying mounts are unlocked in the expansion you're active when you have cleared all it's dungeons. => Unlocking Flying mounts in Vanilla content requires you to have completed all dungeons (also heroic) in WotLK content. (this will then also unlock flying mounts in WoTLK content) 3) No content is truly altered, and kept in it's 'original state' Every raid and dungeon keeps its same tactics Everything is kept the same, except the TBC and WoTLK content is downscaled to 60 and requires unlocking, but expansions being harder to clear as it is next in line. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now, i do not have any experience in modding or starting a server on my own. I would like too ask the following questions; How hard would it be to realize this on every level; code-wise, graphically etc. ? Does this sound like something that can be done, or enough people could be interested in ? Are there other thing you would recommend to do differently to make it better/ more interesting ? Any coders and GM's would like too help create this project, if there's enough interest ? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I'm pretty sure i forgot a whole lot, or might have created contradictions. So i might update this if i can remember them or peopIe remind me of it by reacting on this post. I would like to appologize for my bad English, but i hope everyone can somewhat understand what i have stated. Cheers.
  5. hello, is there any way you can get darker nights for TBC currently? been searching everywhere and cant find it.. all i got are some tilesets, npc, character, mount models and some other little tweaks, but id really like the darker nights, would be one of the best tweaks. also if there is any TBC modder here whos gonna find my post, please contact me ^^ Fernbacher#4523
  6. Download link: Patch+ Model Edit fix: patch-h WoWme:MEGA How to install: Just place patch-h.MPQ into your data folder, copy the WoWme to your wow folder and create a shortcut. Now you launch the game from the WoWme! Any bug report in the post or youtube, or send a notification in the forum. The tbc models will come from: Finsternis- [RELEASE] [WotLk] Character Models(no npc) and [RELEASE] [WotLk] Legion Creature Models for Wotlk Uthil - [RELEASE] [Classic] Imroved Models for 1.12
  7. Download link: How to install: Delete the patch-5.MPQ if you are using the first version. Just place patch-4.MPQ into your data folder and launch the game! Any bug report in the post or youtube, or send a notification in the forum. The tbc models are from: Finsternis- and Legion/Wod
  8. Improved water 2.4.3 Update 1.1. - 03.09.17 As the tittle says, this patch changes the water textures for Client version 2.4.3 (BC). Ocean and rivers use completely different textures and there's a lot of dbc editing involved as well. The patch is still not perfect but I'm releasing it for now, because I know a lot of people will appreciate it and if I can, I will continue improving it. Video coming soon! Do I need WowME? Yes. How do I install this? Just place the downloaded file in your World of Warcraft/Data directory. Who made this? Special thanks to the following people: Bamby - for original textures, video and guiding. Inico - for procedural water tutorial(s) and splash textures. Me (Akeno@Smolderforge) - for wasting time on this, creating new textures and testing it out like crazy. DOWNLOAD CLICK ME - Patch version 1.1. (latest) CLICK ME - Patch version 1.0. (old) CLICK ME - Ressource files Additional links Bamby Modcraft:;u=204437 YouTube: Inico Modcraft:;u=477 YouTube:
  9. Download link: patch-l How to install: Just place patch-l.MPQ into your data folder and launch the game! The tbc models are from: Finsternis and Cata/Legion
  10. Download link: patch-d How to install: Just place patch-d.MPQ into your data folder and launch the game! The tbc models will come from: Finsternis and Leeviathan
  11. I really want to port the Plainsrunning spell to 3.3.5, yet the spell format is vastly different from TBC to 3.3.5 and I could simply not make it work. did anyone succeed or have an understanding on how to properly port it?