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Found 2 results

  1. This tutorial is in French, but you can perfectly see the images. Maybe a day, I'll make this tutorial in English w/o my poor French voice. It's not difficult, you just need to look for understand, I'm sorry for my bad English tho. The tutorial is only for LEGION, I think I'll don't work with TLK because of M2 limits. The tutorial is only a tutorial for adding in game, not in Blender. If you dont' know how to place a hairstyle on a race mesh, just go away please. This is only the technical part, not the Blender part or whatever. All the tools you need, you'll see them in the video. I hope you'll understand with the video. Roccus tutorial in English Enjoy!
  2. I'm new to wow modding but what I'm looking to do is swap Argi for the Draenei orphan girl. Would like to feel like I could adopt one of the kids for orphan week. I'm not sure how to do that, I'm still learning and reading. If someone has the time to do it I would appreciate it. I feel like this will take me a little too long.