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Found 8 results

  1. Index: - What you need - Step 1 till 3 - One-Look-Understandable-Picture What you need: - a WoW 3.3.5a Trinity Server - your World of Warcraft _world-Database __________________________________ For Custom port-points: - Noggit for a Custom map - Your builded patch Step 1: Go ingame to a nice area, there you want your players to start up. When you found your place - press ingame the Admintask ".gps" to get the coordinates. Note: You get also the sightvew (orientation) Step 2: Go to your world-database -> table: playercreatinfo. So you can see now the single locations of each race. Insert you coordinates to the single collums. Step 3: Save your work and restart the world. (.server restart 1) and try it =) One-Look-Understandable-Picture:
  2. I've been trying to install a wow trinitycore server on a dedicated vps I rent and I've run into a few issues along the way, all fixed now tho. But I can't find anything about the latest problem I'm having. When I try to run "worldserver" it's supposed to fill the databases the first time, and it filled all the databases except for one, "World". For the 'world' database to be filled the worldserver needs a file called "TDB_full_world_335.62_2016_10_17.sql" to be located with the worldserver binary. I've placed the file both in the binary and where the binary is located. For some goddamn reason the worldserver can't find the file. I've checked the name and it's exactly the same. I really can't find the problem and I hate it cause I'm really close to being finished. I'm running the server on Linux Debian v8 on a machine with a dual core CPU and 4 gigs of ram. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.
  3. Hey! I decided to try, once again, to compile a server on my own. I followed this guide, using this source. All was fine until I got to the part where you set up the SQL tables. I connected to root (using Navicat), ran create_mysql.sql, and ended up having the following databases: auth, characters, information_schema, mysql, performance_schema, test, and world. Auth, characters, test, and world are empty. Following the guide, I downloaded TDB_full_world_434.15_2017_01_02.sql and placed it in the same folder as bnetserver.exe. I then ran the latter in hopes that it would prompt me to create databases and all would be wonderful, BUT NO! Bnetserver.exe just closes instantly (which makes sense, since there are no tables for it to connect to). What should I do?
  4. Hey! I want to make an sql script that would give a certain accound all rbac permissions. Basically, it needs to repeat the following statement: INSERT INTO `rbac_account_permissions` (`accountId`, `permissionId`, `granted`, `realmId`) VALUES ('1', $permission, '1', '-1') With $permission increasing every time from 1 up to 841. I've searched the internet for quite some time, but none of the suggested methods (e.g. creating a procedure) work.
  5. Hey guys! Where can I get the most up-to-date SQL and DBC databases for Cata?
  6. Hey! I'm trying to switch from using hamachi/evolve/etc to FileZilla and I went through the website code (attached) and can't find any links to the mysql databases (where the accounts should be saved (I want that to be the 'auth' database and 'account' table)). Can someone help? website.rar
  7. Hey! My server is pre-compiled, because, unfortunately, I am too stupid for the complicated process of compiling one myself. Probably because of that or some other problems, Kezan is seriously fucked up in terms of phasing and other things (for example, some npcs which are meant to just stand somewhere, are walking around (though, this happens on the whole server)). Basically, if anybody has an sql file which would fix the npcs/objects/quests/phases/etc on Kezan, I'd be thankful if he/she shared it.
  8. Index: - Was wir brauchen - Schritt 1 bis 3 - "Auf-den-ersten-blick-alles-verständlich"-Bild Was wir brauchen: - ein WoW 3.3.5a Trinity Server - deine World of Warcraft _world-Datenbank __________________________________ Für Custom Portpunkte: - Noggit für eine Custom Karte - Dein eingebauten Patch Schritt 1: Geh dazu Ingame an einen Platz den du dir wünscht und der dir gefällt - wo die Spieler starten sollen. Nun gib den Adminbefehl ".gps" ein damit wir diese Koordinaten bekommen. Notiz: Sogar die Blickrichtung kannst du für dich entscheiden. Wäre in dem Fall "orientation". Schritt 2: Geh zu deiner Welt-Datenbank (in Navicat oder vergleichbares) worlddatabase -> table: playercreatinfo. Hier siehst du nun die einzelnen location Punkte der einzelnen Rassen und Klassen. Ab der Spalte "Map" beginnen wir die neuen Koordinaten einzusetzen. Probier es für den Anfang nur mal mit dem ersten (Race 1: Mensch, Class 1: Krieger) Schritt 3: Speicher deine Arbeit und restarte die Welt. (Via Konsole oder ingame: ".server restart 1") Dannach probier es mal aus. "Auf-den-ersten-blick-alles-verständlich"-Bild: