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Found 2 results

  1. Version 1.0.0


    Hello dear modders, This patch was created for Warshard , this is already quite some time ago and this was WIP. (so dont expect this patch to be fully completed, i'm pretty sure some of the work isn't finished yet) I do not have a Cata client anymore, nor am i working on this. But most of the models or DBC should be there & work. Just found these patches on MEGA thought i'd share them before I delete em. I was working on the sounds and the animations back in the days, these needs a bit of fixing. But thought i'd share the work that's already done incase people are intrested in this.
  2. Hey! I try to avoid editing/creating spells thanks to the fucked up dbc system, but I know this is gonna involve spells, so I'm ready. Just please keep in mind I'm bad at it. 1)I want the players to be teleported (alive) to a certain map when they die, but ONLY if they died in a certain area. 2)The area they are teleported to should be phased in a way so that the players cannot see/interact with each other. Maybe some kind of 1-man instance system?