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Found 2 results

  1. Heyhow^^, I have a little problem, i ported down some new models from 7.2 but also have this issue with 7.1 models. For example the storm dragon, but also the new pala mounts. The animations are correct set but they make no voice in game. All other sounds work normal just the mount special not! Is there a way to fix it in the m2 file? Or just a little dbc edit wich i not see x)?
  2. I tried to add a new zone and new music files to the zone but when i step to the territory the sound doesn't play. This command neither work /run PlaySoundFile("Sound\\Music\\ZoneMusic\\DaywTirisfal01.mp3") Edited DBC: Soundentries, Zonemusic, Areatable I am using the latest dbc-s Patch-enGB-3-ingame the zone is visible where i painted in noggit,but the music doesn't start. What could be missing?