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Found 11 results

  1. What I will assume you know for this tutorial. How to acquire files from CASC or Your way around the 010 Editor and have the relevant template Adding files to MPQ Editing the correct DBC files to add model to client How to use blender to decrease poly count if required Tools you need M2Mod 9.0.0 My MultiConverter fork The most recent listfile.csv in the same directory as both of the two previous programs Step 1 - TXID Removal For this step you can use any TXID removal method you want. This step can also be done at any point before the MultiConverter step but it's just easier to do it now and not forget it. I will get round to reimplementing the TXID removal that MultiConverter 3.6 has in my version, at which point you won't be reading this step Sylvanasshadowlands3 is weird and M2Mod requires her Skel to be renamed to sylvanas.skel, I haven't seen another skel model with this issue. Step 2 - Convert to M2i Load the m2 you want to converter into M2Mod and click Go! ** Option Step ** You now have the model in m2i format, this is the stage where you would decrease the poly count and edit submeshes if necessary. The max poly count for a model is 21845 in wotlk, probably best to check how many it has before you run into issues later on. This guide will give you some idea of what to do HD character model triangle reduction Step 3 - Convert back to M2 Whether you or not you have forayed into Blender it's now time to convert back to M2, just Preload and Go! once more. You will now have an Export folder inside the original model folder, in my example I have an extra skel from before which I will delete now because MultiConverter uses the model name to find the skel. Step 4 - Change skin names To avoid skin errors we must rename the LOD skin files into normal skin files, however many LOD files there are rename them to be in ascending order after the original skin file. To produce something like below. Step 5 - Edit M2 number of skin profiles Now we need to go into 010 and change the number of skin profiles to be 4 or however many skins you now have. We haven't converted the file yet so you'll need to run the template at the offset 0x8 Open up the Template Results and find the entry relating to number of skin profiles and change the value of 1 to your number. Step 6 - MultiConverter All we have to do now is convert the M2 to Wotlk format This step will work for models that have skels and ones that don't. If the model has a skel you will see the size of the m2 drastically increase once it's converted whereas when there is no skel it barely changes. Drag the M2 into MultiConverter and click Fix, for one file the conversion should be very quick. The size has increased so if the green progress bar didn't give it away we have now put the skel back into the m2. Step 7 - Add to MPQ and DBC editing Now add the converted files to the MPQ and edit the correct DBCs, @Tyrallis has a guide on how to do this Retroport to WOTLK Update-1 Step 8 - Admire Ingame Please comment an issue you have and i'll try and update the guide, any issues with MultiConverter please go to my Github repo and submit and bug with reproduction steps.
  2. Version 1.0.0


    This is an attempt at fixing the broken filenames for post-filedataid tilesets. Download link: download here. - proper _h and _s naming for specular and height textures - fixed names for filename-based tools - texture resolution is added to the names - added unused tilesets from unknown blps - named a bunch of previously unnamed stuff P.S. If you are using this for upports get the latest listfile or download this archived one that was used for the CASC export. Some mistakes might've gotten through the cracks. Please remember that you can always contribute to fixing things with the listfile cleanup.
  3. Hello dear modders, I'm still quite new but own alot of my "knowledge" thanks to this community , so I thought lets make a contribution. At the moment i'm working to retroport shadowlands creatures and mounts to wotlk 3.3.5a. Some models work perfectly in modelviewer but crash wow. Any idea's? Anybody has any idea why these models load perfectly in modelviewer (3.3.5a) and not ingame? the dbc & sql wont be accurate, i use similar models to do the clientside. When I have more mounts i'll release the patch/dbc/sql 2nd one isnt a mount but was (paid) requested somewhere on here so I thought i'd add it in here.
  4. Version 1.1.0


    Dear Modders, I've learned alot mainly thanks to this community, and since I was experimenting with the shadowlands creatures and mounts to retro port them to Wotlk, and we'll it's going pretty good at the moment. So why not share it, i'll post updates from time to time since i'm pretty busy with wow modding at the moment. REMEMBER TO LIKE & SUBSCRIBE (might be wrong platform) Release related to : NOTE: The patch contains the models & dbc files. The dbc files are far from accurate and were just placed to make the models show up. Question: Some models like the hands work perfectly in Wow model viewer, however morphing to that display id results in a crash. any idea's?
  5. Before using this tutorial, make sure there are no better tools (like noggit red for shadowlands). With this guide, you will be able to convert your custom adts from LK to SL. You will probably need CascHost or Arctium Launcher to upload converted files to the game. This guide will not help you create a map from scratch, it only explains the process of replacing the existing adt in the game with your own. Converted adt will not have texture scaling or other cool features of new versions Step 1: Download compiled converter script here Step 2: Unpack archive into empty folder Step 3: Put your 3.3.5 adt files to the "input" folder Step 4: Run"Convert.exe" Step 5: Take converted files from "output" folder If you want to edit the map of a continent, such as the Eastern Kingdoms or Kalimdor, you will probably also need to remove two flags in your shadowlands wdt file. This is because the converter does not update the terrain LOD. In this regard, the terrain in the far distance may not be displayed correctly. The flags you need to remove are 0x100 and 0x8000. You can do it manually using the 010 editor or use the second script. Step 1: Download compiled WDT fixer here Step 2: Extract map.wdt file from your shadowlands client or download it from Step 3: Drag and drop the wdt file to "WDT flags fixer.exe" While running, the script uses two additional converters. Links to their repositories: Luzifix ADTConvert Varent ObjOptimizer You don't need to download them separately. Their executables already exists in the archive.
  6. Hi, I would like to know if someone has a patch to change the old bear animation to the new one that came out in the BfA patch, which I think is incredible. Nowhere do I get it, I have tried to invade but I only get the form of kultira or that of zandal that I do not want. I would like if someone can give me or pass me that file to change the animation of all the bears of wow 3.3.5a. Please.
  7. Version 1.0.1


    Saw it pop up on wowhead and wanted it. Thought i'd share it with the community.
  8. I have a simple question. Is it possible to import character models remde in Shadowlands for example humanfemale_hd and others. I did it about a year ago and now I have no problem in importing Vulpera male. Only the new models are problematic (I tried also other models). I was using Blender 2.79b and M2Mod v8.3.0 with 8.2.0 scripts for import M2I.
  9. Version 1.1


    All the tilesets discovered at the moment on the Shadowlands Alpha. Will update when more are found.