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Found 1 result

  1. Looking for someone who can program a raid boss script. The Raidf is a copy of the Ruby Sanctum Map and was revised by me. Here is a rough overview of what the script should do: Main boss has 3 phases..... After the 3 mini bosses are dead, the boss appears in the middle see screenshot (spawns for demo purposes) After drawing, a ring of flames appears and phase 1 begins, the dragon tells its story with 5 lines of text, then it attacks the player. adds spawns from the eggs around every 1 min. Phase 2 starts at 66%. At 66%, he again tells the player something with 5 lines of dialogue, but continues to attack the player. Level 3 (33%), the Lich King appears and the boss stops his attacks. Both NPCs engage in dialogue while the Lich King casts his beam at the boss, turning him into one of his minions (Frostwyrm model ID 30362) (during this time the boss is unassailable and the boss does not attack), after which the Lich King disappears and The boss will attack again and it will keep spawning every 1 minute. from 10% the boss gets angry and does more damage. Boss has a 6 minute berserk timer. Mini bosses are not that complex. All 3 are warriors so they should cast warrior spells ( you can choose which ones) . Each carries a 1 hand axe. Out of combat, have them cast a spell on a trigger with Spell ID 58847 on NPC 31245 within 40 yards. See screenshot I did this with SAI for demo purposes. Everything else can then be discussed privately. Price 100$