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Found 5 results

  1. Version v6


    This is all content that has been successfully ported from all expansions up to Shadowlands to work with WotLK. Technically, it's ALL m2s/wmos and their linked textures exported from retail 9.2.5 using the WoW Export tool. Then all files were TXID fixed, along with being ran in the MultiConverter. Afterwards, a python tool I made was used to remove all files overlapping from vanilla WotLK content. This ensures that ONLY expansion content is in this file. I am absolutely confident this is currently the best patch available for this kind of content. Enjoy M2s, WMOs, tilesets, textures, flames, and other visuals from Shadowlands, BFA, Legion, WoD, MoP, and Cata. The files are available in BOTH an MPQ and loose file format. The MPQ version is a 15.3GB download, labelled Patch-N.MPQ. The loose files are in a highly compressed 12.2GB .rar file. When either of these are exported, there should be 179,530 files totaling 28.8GB. If you'd like to use it in noggit or your client regardless of the content, download the MPQ version and place it in your Data folder. If you want to only use the tilesets or specific expansion content, download the loose file version and create your own patches with MPQ Editor. THANK YOU FOR THE FOLLOWING RESOURCES, WITHOUT THEM BEING AVAILABLE, THIS PATCH WOULD NOT EXIST - Zarkeven's WMO Patch Alastor's Expansion patch, commissioned and distributed by Valaryon TXID Fixer Adspartan's MultiConverter, adjusted by MaxtorCoder MPQ Editor (3.2) WoW Export Implave's WMO's 8.2-10.1 Implave's 8.1.5 - 10.1.7 WMOs downconverted to WotLK 1.0.0 Implave's Fixed 8.2-10.1 Tilesets 1.0.0 Known issues - A lot of Shadowlands WMOs don't work. I ran this in TXID fixer, then Multiconverter, so I couldn't say why they don't. They just don't. Lava/Slime is broken. You might want to delete them before making your patches. No DBC files are in the .rar. These can only be spawned in noggit and not in-game. My meme name for the folder is still in there, dubbed "supergoodportedstuffnotedited". Woops. Notes - If I find the time to separate these patches out, I'll return with a patch to update this link. If given the same circumstances, I'll also provide a DBC file to merge with yours along with instructions to spawn them in-game. Keep an eye out for updates here if they happen If used, credits are appreciated! This took about 3 days to complete along with 200GB of drive real estate to mess with these files and make sure a working product was achieved. That does not include the cooperation of community members who contributed to this resource - those individuals should be thanked and appreciated for their contributions to make this happen! Also, check out Ember, where this content will be used in a roleplay setting! Thank you for your time and reading this. This is my first submission to and I hope it's useful to someone.
  2. Hi there, I am the admin of a couple of WoW servers and we are looking for experient model editors and importers. Work is basically two-fold: 1. Fix some previously imported mounts and one NPC 2. Add about 25 or so new mounts and pets, plus about 25 transmog items. This will be a paid gig so serious and professional replies only, please. Feel free to get in touch with me directly via Discord: Janitor#2871 Thanks a lot, Janitor
  3. I'm currently testing a down-ported maelstrom map from 6.x to 3.3.5a that I made and for some reason it shows different in Noggit then in my client. Screenshot from Noggit: Screenshot from WoW: Would anyone have any ideas as to why this might be happening and how to fix it? I have tired searching for hints but found none. Any help would be much appreciated. P.S I have attached my patch if anyone wants to look at it and try to help me fix this. Patch-Z.mpq
  4. Hi! I'm quite noob at Retro-porting and I was looking a way to port those new animations to LK. After doing some research I noticed it won't be an easy task,and what I discovered is a little information. I know that those animations are stored in the Legion .m2 character files, I have been looking for a converter for .m2 Legion format file to LK's and i did found PhilipTNG's one, but it doesn't support character models conversion. Even if could convert them, then I would have to link those new animations to the spells cast animations instead of the old ones. I'm quite lost at the moment, I don't know how and if it's possible to make any progress on the right direction. Does anyone know if this is achievable? If it is, I'm pretty sure that it would take many hours, but I don't care how much time it could take, I would like to know how to achieve this. I'm sorry if it feels like a really dumb question. Thanks for any kind of help!
  5. NOTE!! -- I'm using 010 Editor 5.0 in the video, the one that's available now is 6.0, You'll need to change your 'Startup Action' to 'Display Empty Interface' in the General Options. To get to the options, click Tools then Options. If you don't do this, you'll get annoying 'cannot find file' errors. --