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Found 2 results

  1. Hey! I want to create 3 quests: they will all be started and ended by the same NPC only one of those should appear at once (with same probability) they should all be repeatable all of them require you to kill some creatures a big quest follows them Right now I have problems doing the following things: I want the creatures required to be killed to only appear for people who have the quest Having completed each quest once (since they are repeatable) should make a big quest available Could anyone help me?
  2. Hey! I wanna make a quest for the newly created characters (I want them to have the quest automatically when they are created) that would require them to use a nearby chest, which drops an item. An autocompletion thing should then come up. Main points: the item should not be consumed by the quest, so that the characters can later equip it there are no NPCs involved (the quest is accepted and rewarded automatically) I don't mind either using the object or receiving the item to trigger quest completion, as long as the item isn't consumed Please, help