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Found 4 results

  1. Version 1.0.0


    Hiya With this object set you get the original dark tree's from world of draenor's shadowmoon & two types of custom recolors I did. This will help spice of the tree scene and color dynamics in all your map creations & fantasies. In a later edition I might redo the brances since they do stand out a little bit more then I was going for. I also included the photoshop file for recoloring the texture. Be sure to drag the world folder into a custom patch before use and keep the folders & path intact. Happy Modding. Poisonleaf.
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Hiya, Today I'm releasing my custom map that was created for the contest I hosted on my stream. Apart from the fact that this map has won the contest do take note that this is highly unfinished and will need work & love. The map contains the library of objects used and a small zone that shows my input on how I would see the zone finished. This map is free to use for what-ever purpose & is a great way to get into noggit. To fully be able to use the map files you will need to also download two of my other patches. Hopefully one day someone will finish this into a nice zone. Happy Modding! Poisonleaf
  3. Hiya, The time is now to vote for the winner! As we are awaiting for Skarn our official judge to make his report, The community can also vote on who thing made the best zones. If you havn't followed the story & has been living under a rock let me break it down for you. Poisonleaf & Sphynx have been going head to head in a five hour stream to create the best looking Jungle themed zone. The rules we're simple with as mean subject to have atleast one ADT of play-able area. It is however needless to say that we did not finish the map in five hours but we're able to select atleast one sreenshot for your judgement. Voting will end Friday 20th of July. at 21:00 GMT+2 Personally I would like thank everyone who tuned in and made this evening to be unforgettable. It would not have been the same without you all. You guys were awesome! Below you can watch the VoD's if you want to relive the amazing evening. Poisonleaf's Side Sphynx's Side May the odds be ever in our favor. Poisonleaf Sphynx Thanks for everyone for your vote. The winner from this contest is Poisonleaf! Congratz!