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Found 2 results

  1. Hello everyone! I have recently started importing buildings from newer expansions to wotlk and I have had some success however there are still some textures missing and I have no idea where to find them ? I'm going to show you some pictures of object's textures that I can't find. These green flames should not be here and with my knowledge green texture like these means that there's just something missing ? Here is another picture: As you can see in this picture, it looks like my mom's cooking ( I'm kidding. My mom's cooking is amazing ) and i do not want this ewwww texture! ? So Here comes my question and I guess you already knew what I was going to ask... Where can i find these missing textures? Now before you say: "Lol why don't you search for it at its expansion folder blah blah" "Did you get all the textures from dungeons and textures etc..." Because I almost added everything in my custom patches ( I didn't add everything ) I have all Cata, Panda, Wod and legion objects given by our mighty saviour @Poisonleaf ( I salute you, sir or Ma'am ) And you are probably thinking "wow you must be noob if you can't find it" Well I'm glad we all know I'm noob now soooo... Can anyone assist me in finding these missing textures. Thank you for your time and your patience to read this! Happy Modding ? L.
  2. ¡Hii! I've converted the Legion's WMO with wmo-convert-rebuild_003_distro to Wotlk, but in Cataclysm 4.3.4 gives me WoW Error. Although the WMO patches from Pandaria for Wotlk work. I've everything Pandaria parsed, however I am missing some WMO, just a few. And the WMO of Draenor give me WoW error or disconnect. What I can do? I think Wotlk's WMOs should work and M2s are well converted, though I'm missing some. I would be grateful if they would pass me the script or all the WMO from Draenor and Pandaria to Cataclysm and if it wasn't possible, parsed to Wotlk for try. If you help me, I will be able to share the functional maps and with arranged textures ¡Thanks! ^^