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Found 3 results

  1. Version 1.0.1


    Hi ! This tool takes the height coordinates of a .OBJ file and puts them into the .ADT file of the same name. Launch "run.bat" to convert all files in directory. Skarn made the original script & logic and I coded it in Java due to limitations of 010 editor scripting.
  2. Hey! Words can't express how hopeless I am right now. It seems like whenever I try to do something more complicated than dbc editing, NOTHING FUCKING WORKS! Basically, there's this model "Glaive_1H_Twilighthammer_b_01.M2": What I've tried to do is to take this model, change the middle part just a little bit in blender, export it, then mirror the whole model so it fits the other hand and export that too. Then convert the result into m2 and use it ingame. I've tried using both m2mod v4 and OBJtoM2, but m2mod would just crash on converting. OBJtoM2 would create the two m2 files and skin files for them, but the lefthand model appears as the good old blue-white cube, and the righthand model doesn't appear at all. Wonderful. P.S. I've also tried converting those two models (from OBJtoM2) to cata using jM2, but that didn't help.