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Found 2 results

  1. Hey! I'm desperately trying to find a hosting where I could store the mysql dbses. It doesn't even have to allow website creation and stuff - I just want to stop using fucking hamachi and shitty evolve. So far, any hosting that I've tryed - my authserver wouldn't connect to the database (probably because they dont allow external mysql access for fucking security reasons). Please help!
  2. Hi there, Very very very very tiny (tiniest maybe?) release : a small macro (DOS) I'm using to start/stop mysql service on my computer. This saves me some time as I used to start it manually (I don't have a gargantuan computer, so... I can't afford to leave it running all the time if I wanna play/compile properly). Figured maybe some of you couldn't be fagged to do it (which I would understand) so maybe it'll be useful somehow. for /F "tokens=3 delims=: " %%H in ('sc query "MySQL56" ^| findstr " STATE"') do ( if /I "%%H" NEQ "RUNNING" ( net start "MySQL56" ) ELSE ( net stop "MySQL56" ) )(Don't forget to replace MYSQL56 by whatever version you are using ofc.) Cheers.