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Found 2 results

  1. Hey, this is the final announcement here from the team of WoW Reforged, a neo-classical project rescaled for 10 levels. Time has come to state the obvious: we are putting this project on hold for an indefinite period of time (probably forever). We could list a lot of reasons for this decision, but will go with the most honest one: Warcraft ceased to be a priority of our interests. In an ideal situation with more time on our hands we would jump right back in work so we can pay back at least a small amount of the fun we got from this epic franchise during all those years of our youth. Sadly, we are almost certain that's not going to happen – not this way at least –, so we'll just let the nostalgia slowly fade away and move forward. It's part of growing up I guess. Our humble achievements resulted from the joint work with some of you is, of course, accessible and up for grabs. Still have one more thing to do before we close this chapter of our lives, but we won't set a deadline for that: it's the task of collecting and compiling all of the ideas we envisioned, so that at least those will live on. We hope that the release of our thorough plan will ultimately find its way to a group of similar mindset with sufficient free time and energy, and wake up in them the dedication needed to complete this project of reviving the old-school in the World of Warcraft.
  2. Version 1.0.0


    World of warcraft retail client modded to load custom files from the root folder. It has also been patched to connect to custom servers and allow xml/lua modification.