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Found 2 results

  1. Hey! I got the legion Medivh model, converted to m2i and edited in Blender. I then exported it to m2i, converted back to m2, and also used jM2 to convert to Cata format. However, when I try to view it in WMV, it does not have any wireframe.
  2. Hey! I know it's possible to convert models from HotS to WoW and I was wondering if someone has done that with the new Medivh model and could share, because I am absolutely unable to do that myself (omg leecher hang him !!!111). If you are the one, please reply here or PM me. In case someone is only planning to do that, I would suggest from the heights of my unprofessionalism that the Lich King model could be used as a base due to many similarities (cloak, large boots and shoulderpads, etc).