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  1. Figured I would make my own thread on this as I will be adding to it quite frequently so first I will explain what I am doing. I am porting the models and textures and such over to ue4 to do wow machinima (and to also learn the UE4 engine and how it works). So far it is very barebones but I have a short video showing what I have done so far on a test map. Also showing and keeping a journal of sort I guess you could say on this forum and thread. If you happen to notice anything feedback is and always will be welcomed. Now to the video, it is a short video but, there really is a TON of work behind what you are seeing in this video (at least it is for me as I am learning as I am going.) I give a short run around on a vehicle showing some of the foliage and texturing at this point, next video I will show off some of the characters, buildings and animations. The main thing I am proud of in this is that the texturing and landscape sculpting is all in a blueprint I created in the Unreal Engine. As you can see, it automatically paints the textures I have chosen based on the angle of the slope in the landscape. As an added bonus I set it up to apply the foliage to just the grass textures. I have applied any of the normal maps or anything to the textures yet (cause I have to make them first) so it isn't to detailed atm, but still not a bad start. Except for the water, and sky atm, everything you see in the video is textures and models from wow. Enjoy =D